The tactics of the 'Might is Right' Group led (not unexpectedly) to the disillusionment of former supporters of the idea of electoral democracy, and to the fading out of C.E.C. locally and in adjoining electorates that this group similarly invaded. The Joyners were left to pay the bills for expenses (incurred earlier in good faith as a result of steering committee resolutions), since we were denied access to funds WE had previously raised specifically to help meet the accounts that should have been passed for payment on 15/9/88. Such is life!
However, there were blessings in this also, in that these weaknesses in the system were revealed early without any backlash to STOP & CARE; not too many of our supporters had become too deeply involved; and when the media contacted me as usual for a news report, they highlighted the 'hi-jacking', thus warning others.
OUR REFERENDUM LEAFLET: Because it seemed as though no-one else was promoting the "NO" Case in the September 1988 Federal Referendum, my son Ian and I concentrated our efforts on preparing a concise and accurate VOTE "NO" leaflet.
The Joyners then organized the distribution, letter-boxing and mailing-out of a total of 40,000 copies. As it happened, others did eventually circulate "NO" leaflets. Our exercise turned out to be too time-consuming and costly to members of our family in proportion to the value of coverage we actually managed within the time available for distribution and letterboxing. Mercifully, God blessed the "NO" case with victory, at least temporarily, and for that we are thankful.
PARENTS, THE VICTIMS OF CHILD ABUSE LAWS: Since our last 'STOP PRESS', I have written to Cabinet Ministers about 'this lucrative child abuse industry', and on behalf of accused parents, have organized interviews. I have helped and advised distraught parents, had some access to the media, attended meetings with bureaucrats and others, and spoken at public meetings, all in relation to the alltoo-common harsh bureaucratic treatment of families accused of child abuse. I have seen, heard, and read too much to be convinced that social workers are not splitting up many families needlessly by presuming guilt rather than innocence.
NO ONE should be punished UNTIL they are PROVED guilty, and factually only a very small number of complaints are finally found to be genuine. The cruel treatment of the innocent families perpetrates very real abuse of those children who are 'kidnapped' and subjected to frightening sexual examination and invasion of privacy by interrogation and coercion by strangers trying to force a false accusation against the parents they love. They are coaxed to believe that what they 'admit' will "help Daddy" (when what it will really do is "help" him into gaol.)
According to official figures, child abuse is most often perpetrated by de facto husbands in contrast to natural fathers. The Criminal Code is there to control crimes of incest, assault, etc. Why is it being superceded by bureaucratic laws?
THE FITZGERALD INQUIRY: I wrote to the media and the Fitzgerald Inquiry, letting the voice of STOP, CARE & ACTS be heard against moral pollution and the apparent corruption and self-interest in political Parties that have plagued our attempts over many years to have the police and leaders in political fields clean up the sleazy night clubs, homosexuality, prostitution, rape and abortion, and the obscene and violent films, T.V., videos and literature. These have been proved to act as the catalyst in many crimes. But I doubt my efforts achieved anything.
UNUSABLE PHOTOCOPIER: About two years ago our photocopier which cost Harry over $6500 started deteriorating until it became totally unusable due to the fact that the technician could not obtain two replacement lamps from the supplier of the copier. Just recently we discovered they could have been obtained in Melbourne. However, too many other parts will now also need replacing (at our expense!) In the beginning we made several unsuccessful attempts to speak to the Manager, both in regard to repairs and to $450 worth of unopened toner which we returned for refund as being useless to us if the machine couldn't be fixed. Credit was refused and the toner was sent back to us. Perhaps Small Claims is warranted?, Being without a copier has caused us tremendous delays in filling orders, etc. Can anyone help in any way, perhaps with an unwanted second-hand copier?