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Thousand Island Scuba
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We offer a complete selection of quality PADI Scuba Courses to suit your interests. They are all taught by a PADI Master Instructor, so you will be assured of receiving the safest and most complete training possible.
Open Water Diver
This entry level course provides 3 phases of training as you are introduced to the underwater world. Academic, pool, and open water training are combined in an enjoyable way as you increase your knowledge and gain experiance in the use of scuba. Use of scuba equipment included. Text and snorkeling equipment are extra. Special price for 2 or more students registering!
Rescue Diver
Increase your confidence and safety awareness as you learn rescue techniques, accident management skills and receive up to date information on diver stress recognition, CPR techniques, etc. Academic and open water training are combined in an exciting and realistic manner during the dive accident scenarios. This course is a prerequisite for Divemaster training and Master Scuba Diver candidates.
Specialty Diver
PADI specialty courses are fun and exciting ways to familiarize divers with various special interest areas in diving. Popular offerings include:
    Wreck Diver
    Night Diver
    Deep Diver
    Dry Suit Diver
    Multi Level Diver
    Search & Recovery
    Underwater Photographer
    Drift Diver
    Equipment Specialist

Advanced Open Water Diver
A popular course for both novice and experienced divers. Through a series of 5 dives, divers are introduced to a variety of diving specialties which include navigation, deep diving, night diving, wreck diving, search & recovery, boat diving, drift diving, marine identification, etc. Many new dive sites are visited and students gain increased confidence in their skills and diving knowledge.
Dive Master
This program consists of several phases including diving knowledge development, watermanship skills, apprenticeship and practical application dives. Certified Divemasters are able to assist in diver training, act as dive guides to students, and lead divers on group trips. This rating is the first level of leadership in the PADI program and leads to assistant instructor and instructor training.
Medic First Aid
The Medic First Aid Course offered by PADI is a basic training course in CPR and emergency care. A medically based assistance course designed to train students to follow, at laymans level, the same emergency procedures and priorities used by paramedics and doctors. Open to both non-divers as well as divers. It is highly recommended for anyone wishing to learn these valuable techniques.
Please e-mail me for all dates and current prices