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In case you're really eager to get the heck outta here, you can click on any of these links. Or if you just want to see some cool sites, you can go to some of these places, too.

And you're thinking "what the hell is this here for?" Well, this is the best IRC server that there is. I'm always on it, and so are some o muh bestest buds. Go check it out, server:   chan: #wwii_veterans

 David's Comedy Club A comedy page.

 Cin City Another comedy page (I imagine there's gonna be lots of these on here).

 Sanity Quiz Take this to find out if you really are is crazy as you think you are.

 The Insult Generator Go here to be insulted.

 ^j^ Veena's Place ^j^ A pretty cool page that one of my best friends in the world made.

 Aizat's Page This is one o ma frienz pages. It's pretty cool! Everyone better go check it out.

Do you have a link that you wanna see on this page?  E-mail it to me

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