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The Handwriting's On The Wall!
Definition of Domestic Violence: Physical= Slapping, punching, pulling hair, shoving, biting, hitting with objects (wood, pots, pans, remote control, baseball bat, etc.) Sexual= Forced sexual acts. Threats= Threats of physical or sexual harm. Psychological= Personal attacks on self esteem, controlling or limiting a partner's behavior, repeated personal down grading.
True Love?
Do you fear your partner even when he is not physically present? Do you question your ability to make your own decisions? Do you suffer humiliation in front of family and friends due to your partners personal attacks on you? Do you feel intimidated by your partner? Do you feel threatened by your partner? Does your partner hit or shove you? Does your partner tell you that the physical violence is your fault? Does your partner force sexual acts on you? Does your partner blame the physical violence on drugs or alcohol? Does your partner isolate you from family and friends, monopolizing your time, screening your phone calls, prohibiting calls and visits to and from them???? Do you think you change your partner? Do you think that if you change yourself, lose weight, change your hair color, your job, your clothes, this would make your partner happier and less likely to exhibit abuse? Does your partner tell you that the abuse wouldn't happen if you just kept your mouth shut? Do you stay because you fear what your partner may do if you leave? Do you stay for the children? Do you feel hopeless about your situation? Do you feel there's no way out? _____________________________________________________________________ If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions you are in an abusive relationship and for your own safety and that of your children (if you have any) you need to leave the situation immediately.
THIS IS NOT TRUE LOVE!!!! THIS IS ABUSE!!! There IS a way out. There IS hope. THERE IS HELP!!! Tell your family. - Tell a friend. - Tell your clergy. - TELL ANYONE! Do it for yourself. Do it for your children. Contact your local woman's shelter. If you don't know of the shelters in your area contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline directly at: 1-800-799-7233 _____________________________________________________________________ "This is all so beautifully wrapped. Everybody knows lovers' lives are sealed with a slap... I look good in black and blue. Hon, how could I be sad? I belong to you."
I Belong To You John Jennings & Mary Chapin-Carpenter _____________________________________________________________________
Please visit the following links to learn how you can receive help for yourself and your family or to help a loved one get out of this potentially deadly situation.
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence Family Violence Prevention Fund Let's Wrap _____________________________________________________________________ Fact: Domestic Violence Kills! Myth: It won't happen again...
FACTS * Every 9 seconds a woman in the United States is beaten. * 95% of domestic violence victims are women. * The #1 cause of injury to women is abuse at home. * 25% of all crime is domestic violence. * Women are more likely to be injured by their mate than a stranger. * 2/3 of all marriages will experience domestic violence at least once. * 50% of the homeless women and children are fleeing homes where domestic violence is taking place. * 70% of men who abuse their wives will do it to their children.
Myth: Women hate men. Fact: Women hate being beaten! ___________________________________________________________________
Declare Your Independence!!!
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