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The light softened from late afternoon into early evening as Kev Donnelly sat staring out the window. Lost in thought, he absently turned a scrap of paper through his agile fingers. The words written on it were deeply evocative, creating esoteric images that played in his imagination, stirred his soul. They were far more personal and revealing than any of her previous writings, and impossible to reconcile with the young woman with whom he spent so much time.

Yet he knew she had written them; she left her scribblings everywhere. Kev thought of the poetic lines he had seen many times written on things around her desk, the blotter, sticky notes, napkins, bookmarks, nothing much was safe from the assault of her pen. He smiled at that little quirk, but it was soon followed by the thought that she should have been thinking of work instead of whatever moved her to write. If it was anything other than poetry, he would probably have her head on a platter for it, but Kev understood about poetry. The words had to be written, plain and simple, end of story. They wouldn’t wait for the convenience of time or place or proper writing implements.

Kelly didn’t properly value her gift, that was clear in the way she left her poetry just where ever it happened to be scribbled. This piece he had found lying beside the trash can, and before throwing it away, had checked to make sure it wasn’t important. He couldn’t imagine what had possessed her to throw out such incredible writing. Neither could he imagine that shy, withdrawn creature harboring such depth of emotion. In fact, he would have bet his busted elbow that there was no man in her life at all.

So where would she have been rushing off to in such a hurry on a Friday night? He had never before wondered what she did after hours, but her behavior today was so erratic as to be noticeable, and very much like the other women rushing off to start their weekend dates. The knot in his stomach gave a twist, and he wished he hadn’t quit smoking...again.

Even before Kelly McKenzie reached the top of the stairs in the elegant old building at 34th and Vine, she heard the sound of rhythmic chanting. There was a faint lingering of coriander in the air, an odor not often encountered outside of Grammy’s kitchen, she thought. From somewhere, a cat yowled then came barreling around the corner and through her legs, making her nearly jump off the landing. Clutching a racing heart, she retreated a few steps and knocked over a broom leaning against a doorway. She felt an overwhelming urge to get away while she still could.

"My dear, there is really no need to scream."

Spooked again, Kelly jumped and turned to face the tiny, sweet faced woman who was obviously the gypsy whose help she was seeking.

"Romani is a little rambunctious, I’m afraid, but you need not be scared of him, my dear." Madam Ruth accepted the broom Kelly had retrieved, and placed it back against the door facing. "Please come in. Don’t be timid, now, right this way, my dear," she held the door wide open, "I’ve been waiting for you."

Kelly stepped into an an enormous, high ceiling apartment, surprisingly attractive for being so imaginatively decorated. She wondered if the crystal ball was functional. "I..well, there was some difficulty in getting away from work," she said. "my boss can be rather difficult at times. I really apologize for being so late." With a wave of the hand, Madam Ruth at once dismissed the apology and beckoned her to follow as she lead the way from the living room through a curtain of beads into a marvelous, old fashioned kitchen.

"And nervous. I was a little nervous," Kelly admitted to the other reason for her late arrival.

"Please be seated, " the gypsy woman gestured for her to take a seat at a beautiful old oaken table.

The fragrance of coriander was noticeably stronger in here. Kelly scanned the shelves of jars and bottles, as she pulled out a chair to sit. All had cork stoppers she noticed, and above, among exposed beams, were herbs hung upside down to dry. There were wreaths, ropes, and bunches of fragrant botanicals, garlic, flowers, red peppers, and things unrecognizable. Fresh herbs grew in small pots in a greenhouse window. Well, it certainly had the appearance of a real gypsy’s work place, Kelly had to give it that. She looked closer at something in a tiny mixing bowl, which she couldn’t identify, and devoutly hoped wouldn’t be in any potion meant for her. She jerked her head back, almost sure she had seen it move.

"You know...I really can’t stay," Kelly was up again before her bottom had hit the seat solidly. "It was grea...really, I’m were very sweet...really, I didn’t think this through. I do want to thank you for seeing me on such short notice," she tried to explain, backing towards the door, "but I don’t think I can do this. That is, I don’t think I should do this. To him. Not that it isn’t perfectly fine, you know, because it is. It’s fine, perfectly fine and you do it very well...I’m perfectly confident of that,’s just...well, that I can’t...I can’t.. I’m sorry," Kelly fumbled in her purse for payment, and waited for the expected rebuke, which was far from coming.

"Now, put that away, my dear, think nothing of it," Madam Ruth smiled at her kindly, and even in her overly excited state, Kelly couldn’t help noticing that it was true, Madam Ruth did have a gold capped tooth. "This man of yours is particularly susceptible to love even without potions. It’s a state of being he’s most fond of, I must say. I have no doubt he will look your way one day, if you can just be patient."

"Excuse me," Kelly was confused, "but how do you know who I mean? I haven’t told you his name." Anyway, he’s never looked my way in all this time, so I don’t expect him to, ever."

Madam Ruth stepped closer and took Kelly’s hand in hers. Turning it palm up, she traced her finger across it, made a magic sign, winked and said, "What you need is Love Potion #9, and my dear, it requires a concerted plan of attack, why don’t you come sit down over here and let’s plot our strategy."

"Now, the way I see it," Madam Ruth said conspiratorially after they were settled at the table with steaming cups of herbal tea, "we need a complex blend, a composite of elements combustible in their effect, binding in their strength, and everlasting in their power. It should have a delicate flavor, but a robust aroma, a round silky texture balanced with a well integrated acidity, it must have potent spicy notes without the slightest hint of fruitiness...that last part is very important, please don’t let me forget it...God will smite me down if I ruin one of His finer creations!"

Kelly looked askance at that last statement, but let it pass this time.

"But most of all," Madam Ruth continued, "it must contain something of the man. A little piece of his soul. Otherwise, nothing, kaput, it is hopeless!" She held out her open hand, "I will have that now."

"Oh yes, here it is," Kelly crossed her palm with a piece of paper taken from her pocket.

A lifted eyebrow questioned the offering of paper. Nevertheless, Madam Ruth, reflected for a long moment over the words written there. She then looked seriously at Kelly, all traces of lightheartedness erased from her face, "Consider very carefully, my dear. This potion will hold limitless power. I warn you, there will be no going back on this one."

Suddenly firm in her resolve, Kelly felt all doubt lifting from her heart. "I live with the worst there is everyday of my life," she said, "no matter what happens going forward, having him this way will be better than the anguish of living without him forever."

"Then let it be." Madam Ruth stood, and walked over to the stove where the teakettle was again boiling, and went straight to her work. She said, "I’m gonna make it up right here in the sink." To the right was an array of ingredients she had assembled after their telephone conference earlier that day. She had chosen with careful deliberation the very best of each, then painstakingly ground and sifted the dry matter and prepared decoctions of others. The majority of the work had already been done, all there was left to do now was the blending and fine tuning.

Watching her formulate the potion, Kelly thought that gypsies and ancient apothecaries must have had as great an understanding of the physical properties, reactions and effects of their substances as modern day pharmacists. "You’re not using a recipe book," she said in surprise, "how can you remember all the steps? Do you ever mess it up?"

"Ah, you’re afraid I might off your young man." Madam Ruth chuckled, "Do not be, my dear, I’m 12th generation in a line of accomplished seers and potitioners, I am not about to drop the crystal ball on my shift!"

"Ummm, the coriander smells delicious, what will that do to him," Kelly asked with a wicked grin, "make him irresistibly delicious?"

Madam Ruth answered in mock seriousness, "I’ve never tested for that effect, perhaps I should! No, the coriander will reveal your hidden worth and concealed merit. In truth, it is by far the most important ingredient in the potion. There’s basil for love, elder for it’s strength, plenty of sage for domestic virtue and wisdom and, oh...just a multitude of assorted this and that." Turning back to her work, she held up a gently chastising finger, "Now, I really must concentrate."

Kelly felt a bit queasy thinking of what "this and that" might actually be, but quieted down and simply watched as the formula progressed. The ingredients were assembled by what appeared to be a ritualistic order and method. When done, Madam Ruth approached her with a sheet of white paper.

"Take this, my dear, and hold it underneath your closed eyes," she instructed, "I have need of an eyelash."

Kelly did as she was told, then to the plucked eyelash, Madam Ruth added a single strand of hair from her head. She took it over to the mortar and pestle, returning with what Kelly thought might possibly be a dried up mushroom.

"Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, you must infuse this with your essence."

"Ooh, that’s nasty! What is that?" Kelly recoiled, but Madam Ruth simply stood waiting patiently, letting the consequences of refusal sink in. "Oh, all right! Geez, you didn’t tell me there was personal torture involved!" It was placed upon her tongue, "Oh, yuck, it tastes like dirt," she cringed, talking with her mouth full, "No! more like horse manure! I can’t believe I’m doing this."

Madam Ruth had returned to her work, but asked, "Did you think all the giving would be his? Did you think you would be required to give nothing, yet gain all you ever desired? No, the forces of neither world, the seen nor the unseen, work that way, my dear."

She gave full attention to her work then, and at the stage of final blending, retrieved the article from Kelly’s mouth and added it to the mix. Not being offered either water or the use of a sink, Kelly grabbed a clean dishtowel and dragged it roughly and rapidly over her tongue several times. She then swished her mouth thoroughly with the remainder of herbal tea and spat that into the dishtowel as well. As always in these cases, Madam Ruth was amused, but determined her naive client should understand the full extent of her actions.

"There is always a price beyond money for these things, my dear, and the price may be more than you bargained for," she said, as she finished up the potion by pouring it into a cheesecloth bag and leaving it to drip into a sterling silver cup. Joining Kelly at the table, she continued, "It may be taking place right here, it may come much later, it may be a heavy burden, or it may touch you so lightly you hardly notice the deficit, but it will be exacted. That is the cosmic law of retribution, and it shall be meted out according to how well you use the gift you are given today."

Oh, now she tells me, after I sucked the nasty mushroom, Kelly thought. Well, none of it mattered, she wouldn’t turn back. She recalled what a bumbling fool she invariably became whenever she was around Kev, the times he had walked right past her without a glance, the times he had never looked up while she was speaking to him, the times she had endured seeing him with other women and all the restless nights knowing it would never be her head lying in the hollow of his shoulder. The memories struck her like blows. "I don’t care. I won’t abuse my gift, that I promise you, but whatever my punishment turns out to be, it can’t be too much, and I will pay willingly, and without remorse," she vowed.

Madam Ruth waited patiently as the last of the liquid seeped into the cup. She took the cup over to Kelly at the table, instructing her, "Now, my dear, you must hold the cup thusly, with both hands, not letting go. When the chanting is done, you will drink immediately."

This was turning out to be tougher that she had bargained for, but Kelly did as directed, praying the worst would soon be over, and despite her vow, praying also that this was indeed the full price of the potion, and there would be no future debt to pay. Romani was shooed from the unscreened window, and the curtains were drawn. Candle glow replaced electric light, bringing the kitchen alive with flickering shadows. A gossamer scarf was sent floating over her head and draped around her neck. Madam Ruth sprinkled dried flower petals and herbs all around her as she chanted unintelligible words. Holding the symbol of her her love’s soul over a flickering candle, Madam Rugh sent it up in flames, the ashes of which were mixed into the potion, but for a ridiculous smidgen that joined the scatterings on the floor. "These are the words that must be said, remember them well, " Madam Ruth instructed as she began to chant in English -

"Partake of this potion, thereupon look again, the one you want is close at hand, by palest star, by lunar rock, love will strike before the clock, when Venus rises late tonight, love will bloom without a fight, before it lowers one more time, the sun on love full blown will shine."

"Drink!" Madam Ruth commanded with arms flung upwards, high above her head.

Kelly closed her eyes, regreting there wasn’t a free hand with which to hold her nose, and drank her share of the potion. "Aarrrgggg, it’s horrible! It tastes like turpentine and looks like India ink!" She exclaimed, "and it smells! How on earth will I ever get him to drink this stuff?"

Madam Ruth smiled enigmatically, "Ah, but for him it will be as a nectar. Did I not tell you the price would be yours to pay? Now, my dear, listen closely, for the clock has begun ticking. You have 24 hours within which to complete your ritual. Once this vial passes into your hands, you will have untold powers of seduction, which will serve you well. Welcome the transference, accept the power, for to create a reality, is to believe in it unequivocally. You must perform the steps as outlined, and in their proper order. The longer it takes to complete the steps, the weaker the potion becomes, and when the time is up, it will be rendered powerless. The first step is to apply the potion to the bare skin over your love’s heart. The second step is to see that he drinks the full measure of potion, every last drop, while you repeat the chant. Upon completion of the ritual, when next he looks at you, the only woman he desires will be before his eyes. The third and final step is to immediately cross his lips with a kiss. Then, and only then, the bargain will be struck. Fail in any of these measures, and the potion will fail you."

Kelly took possession of the vial and at once felt the surge of a power transference. It was as if a vital force had entered her body, and the resulting euphoria was uncontainable. She started kissing everything in sight. She flung her arms wide as she spun in circles, she wrapped them around Madam Ruth, kissing both cheeks. Waltzing around the room she reached down and scooped up Romani off the floor and showered his nose with a thousand little kisses, which caused a yowl of outrage as he made a desperate bid for escape. She kissed the sterling silver cup, and made outright love to the vial of potion. She kissed Madam Ruth once more before paying her, and asked, "How can I ever thank you enough? Your fee is hardly anything compared to what I will be receiving."

"Ah, one more thing." Madam Ruth opened the front door, "Take this new broom as a symbol of a new beginning, a sweeping out of the old, of every negative thought that has hindered your life, or ever hopes to. Take it into your new home and remember to use it everyday. That is the only thank you I require, my dear."

"I thought brooms were a witch thing. Gypsies use them too?"

Madam Ruth gave her cheek an affectionate pat, "Now, go claim your joy and by God’s grace be happy."

Kelly went trippingly up the massive steps. Gaining admission to the party without an invitation proved to be a delightfully enlightening exercise. The silk of coppery tresses whispered seductively across her half bare back. Searching the room with dark eyes shining expectantly, she nodded to acquaintances as she made her way through the crowd. Endless tanned legs emerged from a short dress, in striking contrast to it’s color of blushing peaches. Her aura of confidence flowed outward as radiant irresistible energy, making the room vibrant with her presence.

Heads turned as she passed through, murmurs made their way concentrically through the crowd and even those who didn’t know her former persona, were impressed. "Kelly who?" "Our Kelly, from the set?" "What about her?" "You’re kidding me!" "Darling, what do you think she’s had done?" "Hey, how about introducing me?"

The men were preening. The women wanted makeover secrets. Well, let him come to her, she thought. The potion was making her a magnet, so he would probably find her soon enough. Then what? How on earth would she get the potion on to his bare chest at a public event? After all, if she had the resources to get him into a private situation, Kelly thought a bit annoyed, she wouldn’t have sought out a love potion in the first place. What a dilemma. Well, judging from the crowd gathering around her, the problem wouldn’t be left up to her to solve. The potion she drank was already hard at work making things happen.

"Hi, didn’t we meet at that awards after party last month.?"

"Come over here out of the way of all these people. Now, can we talk, sweetie? What have you had done, do tell! It was a lip job, right? A little laser work?"

"Hello, gorgeous! What have you done with our Kelly?"

"Hi, you don’t know me, but have you ever considered modeling? I could get you in with..... here take my card, my home number is on the back. Just, you know, call anytime."

Kelly’s new powers were confirmed as the clock stroked it’s way around the hour. More than thrilled with the results of the potion, she was high on the freedom to be herself around anyone, no matter who they were, simply trusting that the world wouldn’t come to an end, there could be no misstep. She had been having a nice enough time, enjoying the compliments and laughing at the absurdities, but he still hadn’t shown, and she began to worry that he might have changed his plans for the evening. Looking around the room, Kelly thought of their grandchildren, how the story might be that he spotted her across a crowded room of admirers and then slipped through to steal her right out from under their noses. Well, it could easily be true, no man she had ever met could hold a candle to him. So why waste everyone’s time she thought with sudden clarity of purpose. It was time to direct this power as intended and set their future in motion.

"Are you positively sure those are your legs coming out of that dress?" Bernie Chapel leered bending sideways for a closer inspection, "Those aren’t the same legs I’ve seen scurrying around the set to keep up with your boss." Oh yeah, Bernie thought, I’m on tonight, baby!

"Um hum, still mine, Bernie," she smiled," mildly exasperated at the old lech’s running joke. She dreaded having to deal with his new obsession at work on Monday morning. "And the same pair I was wearing the last time you inquired." Kelly excused herself for the ladies room, and, with any luck, a breath of fresh air and solitude on the balcony. She needed some quiet time to figure out how to proceed from here.

"Right, right, I like your ideas, Kev! (within the construct of the story) So, you see that experience as what puts him on the path of discovering his relationship to existence, believing there must be a deeper reality that calibrates to life than the construct he finds himself in. That’s good, I can see that being a driving force for the character’s actions," Bobby Joe was getting more excited than ever about directing Kev in his movie. This was a man who brought added value to the table! You really had to respect a guy who willingly gave more than he was paid for.

"Yeah. Yeah, Exactly."

Kev was distracted from the conversation. He had fallen into a strangely unsettled mood tonight, and hadn’t wanted to come out to a party, but had pushed himself for business reasons. Now, he watched as his personal assistant smiled her way graciously through the crowd, a veritable entourage in her wake, apparently, all headed for the ladies room. Earlier, he had investigated the astonishing rumor that it was a transformed Kelly causing all the commotion in the room. Nothing could have prepared him for the fact that it was true. His very own jumpy as a rabbit, glasses hanging on the tip of her nose, hair twisted and clamped, clumsy, fumbly, always in pants assistant Kelly, and for some reason, he was irrationally put out by it.

"So, that’s what she would see as your character’s saving grace." Bobby Joe followed Kev’s gaze, "Do you know her?"

"No, not at all. She’s my PA," Kev brought his attention back to his director’s confused look. "I’d really like Cate for this, any progress there?" He asked wondering how soon he might decently break away from the man.

It took some maneuvering, but Kelly finally managed a moment to slip away undetected. This morning she couldn’t hold the attention of the guy she loved dearly for even a minute, and tonight some of the biggest stars in Hollywood were vying for her attention. By necessity, she passed right by Bernie Chapel, grateful he hadn’t spotted her, as he was quite busy pawing a statuesque blond starlet.

The sky held only a sliver of moon, and the stars should have been all the brighter for it, but this was LA and there were only the city lights spread out below; a world flipped upside down, the symbolism so perfect it could have been manufactured by Tinseltown itself. Thankfully, she had the open air to herself for the moment. She didn’t see the movement in the shadows behind her, and fell into contemplation over the problem of executing her plan. If he didn’t show soon, she would be forced to start making inquiries. If this chance passed her by, she didn’t think she would have the fortitude to go through it all again. She thought of the mushroom, of what she could only pray was nothing more than a mushroom, and was stunned at what she had been willing to put herself through for him, or for that matter, put him through in the name of love.

Behind her Kev sat quietly also having sought solitude outside. Shadowed from all but the most astute viewer, he slouched elegantly, propped by an elbow on the arm of his chair, legs crossed at the knee. He had been there for a while speculating on what could have transpired between Kelly’s leaving work in a rush and arriving at this party. He rubbed a thumb thoughtfully beneath his chin. His mind kept going back to the afternoon when she had been unusually anxious to get away from work. Perversely, he had fabricated busy work to keep her there. Something about her eagerness to leave had made him react badly. Damn nicotine withdrawals, that must be the reason for this irrational moodiness. Obviously, she had been anxious to prepare for the party, but how did she pull off the personality transformation?

"Kel, there you are," a man said drunkenly, "I’ve been looking for you everywhere." Kelly turned his way wondering who he was.

"Tell me, Sweetheart, do you know where I most enjoy taking a lady?"

"No, where?" She answered, not recognizing the setup.

"Me neither! I can’t decide if it’s on a couch or on the floor or in the grass....," he laughed crazily, while Kelly blushed at having fallen for such a stupid joke.

"Don’t worry, honey, he’s a bore, but he’s harmless," a woman trailed him out onto the balcony and coaxed him away.

Kelly, watched as they left arm in arm, the woman trying to convince him it was time to be getting home. Kelly turned back to look out over the city, her quite laugh carried on the breeze like crystal chimes. Was this really what she had been envious of, that she had felt so excluded from when she heard talk about the glamorous life? From what she had seen so far, the glamour set could keep it and she would happily retreat back to her cozy little house, her books and her emerging writing career. Except for the one thing that made that world sadly lacking. No, she wouldn’t retreat yet, no matter what, she was determined to stick out her plan.

The sound of her amusement carried inward on the breeze gave reason for Kev to speculate on what was she doing here. He had determined she hadn’t come with anyone, and he couldn’t imagine who had invited his PA to a party like this one. As a date, maybe, but alone? She couldn’t continue working for him if she showed up behaving like that on the job, that much was certain, Kev thought in annoyance from his position beside the palm fronds. She had worked for him longer than most of his assistants had already. Far longer, really. There had been times when the brilliance of her mind had dazzled him, and a few times when her wit had cut sharply, to reveal evidence of bad behavior that had completely alluded him. Funny, he tolerated in her what would have gotten anyone else fired with blinding speed. In fact, it had. He felt no compunction about the incompetent blockheads he had had to fire, or the ones who had fired him, but he had to admit, the list was becoming distinguished by it’s length. He would keep her if he could. Such excellent help was hard to find, but considering tonight, the choice might not be his for much longer. How was it that he had never heard that enchanting laugh before?

"Tu eres bello, mi amor, all the glories of heaven bow before you," the lavish words were accompanied by a dazzling smile and a waving hand indicating the blank sky, "but you are all alone in this romantic setting, and that is insoportable."

Kelly smiled in immediate recognition of the beautiful voice. She knew it well, it had charmed women in every corner of the world, and never more so than when coming from behind a mask and swirling black cape.

"Thank you. I’ve never had a more beautiful compliment."

"You are most welcome," he smiled, "how is it a lady so beautiful is left so alone, mi amor?" he tilted his head, the question as much in his mischievous eyes as in his voice.

"Oh, it got a little close in there. I came out looking for breathing room and a little space," Kelly answered honestly, feeling sure he wouldn’t take her truthfulness as personal rejection. "I’m not at all used to that kind of attention."

"No?" He asked with a look of disbelief.

"No, believe me," she was firm on that point.

"Well then," he gestured with a flourish, "the men you have known are all pendejos! Every last one of them! And no doubt should all be hung for massive stupidity!

Kelly laughed at the exaggerated gallantry, it was the first real humor she had encountered all night. He was delightful, as she had always thought he would be.

"Tu eres endemoniado, mi amigo," she teased, "and will soon be taken away by the men in white coats."

"There is no help for it. Fools of such magnitude deserve an even more wretched fate! I shall see to it personally!"

"Ah, but, Senor, what proof will I have that there has been a reckoning and my honor restored?"

"Perhaps, I shall bring you a trophy," he struck a fencing stance and made several slashes through the air with an imaginary foil, ending in a triumphant pose, an imaginary trophy dangling from his fingers. His head was again tilted in question. "Will you accept this token of my undying esteem, mi amor?"

A man was motioning from the doorway, "Esteban, she’s looking for you."

"Hay bendito!" he replied in exasperation.

"I leave you now, most regretfully," he assured her bowing in salute. "Hasta la vista, mi amor."

At the door he executed a graceful turn, his arms extended in her direction, "Que linda!"

"Que lindo! You charming man," she returned his gesture.

Kelly watched as he hurried away to placate his wife. Smart lady to keep such a close eye on him, she thought, charmed right down to her toes. And what a never-ending vigilance it must be!

Well, Kelly thought with a sigh, I have a charmer of my own to contend with. She knew she had to face facts. He wasn’t here and probably wasn’t coming, so she might as well start tracking him down. She reviewed Madam Ruth’s instructions. It felt as if an age had passed since she first heard them, and she worried about getting them just right. She recited the chant to herself in a low voice.

Kev had been about to make his presence felt when that latin lothario was called away. Now, he settled back again. For some reason he felt as if he had been blindsided. What was wrong with him anyway? He felt weak and it was un-natural for his feelings about anything to be so unclear. It was a foreign situation for him not to understand his own mind. He wished he had bummed a cigarette off that flower spouting Spaniard when he’d had the chance.

He could hear Kelly murmuring. He couldn’t make out her words, but they sounded rhythmic, like poetry, like she was practicing a poetry reading, actually. Kev thought of her poetic scribbles. He felt almost embarrassed at the scrap of paper from today in his pocket, but the words were so stirring, he had kept them. The poetry. That was what had made him really look at her. He knew her soul long before he knew her as a person. He laughed at the very idea of knowing her as a person. Fat chance, he thought. She was so intimidated by the world, at least the one in which she worked, that if her spirit did break free for a moment, it popped right back inside her shell the second she recalled who she was with. It was a very effective maneuver for keeping people at bay, including him. So, his question was, what was happening here tonight? And why had his world been thrown off it’s axis by it?

A young couple came out moving towards the far end of the balcony. It was obvious that they were very much in love, and needed only each other to be content. Kelly was sure the rest of the world could be swallowed up and disappear, and, at this moment, they wouldn’t notice a deficiency in their universe. Kelly wished them well, but such scenes pierced her heart when she was so left out of love. No longer, she thought, soon I will be a cooing foolish vows of love along with the best of the besotted, maybe on this very balcony. She broke out of the melancholy moment with a radiant smile at the happy couple, and hugging herself, turned towards the door to try to find Kev. She stepped directly into a wall of black.

"Oh, excuse me! I didn’t know you were back there...behind close..."

"It’s a beautiful night isn’t it? The wall propped himself against the balustrade and looked earnestly into her eyes.

"Yes, it is. Excuse me," Kelly gestured toward the door, "I was just going in."

"Not many stars though," he continued as if she hadn’t spoken, "tell me, have you ever seen the sky when light pollution wasn’t diminishing it’s splendor?"

Kelly considered the question and realized the answer was no. She had been in small towns and deep in the national forests on camping trips, but never away from the phosphorescence of civilization on the horizon. She was all at once aware of a depravation that she hadn’t fully realized.

She paused, interested, "No. I suppose I haven’t really."

"Well, everyone should see that in their lifetime," he said with complete sincerity, "it isn’t easy, though. Even the Eskimo’s of the frozen far north can see on their horizion the illumination from the so called civilized world ."

"So called?"

Kelly glanced at her watch. Was his heritage partly Eskimo then? She had vaguely wondered at times where the eyes came from. She decided to linger a moment longer, but just a moment. Time was ticking on.

He noticed the movement, but continued, "Yes, don’t you find that the more civilized man has become the more separated from God he has become? Our connection through nature, his creation, the tangibility of God Himself has been severed by it. Or at least very diminished, so that we are often confused about his whereabouts, because we’ve cut ourselves off from His most direct channels of communion. The hubris of man being what it is."

Well, she thought incredulously, who would have ever expected this from him? She would love to delve into that discussion, but it could keep her here all night. She redirected the conversation.

"Those are profound thoughts for a man with a reputation for being the quintessential party dude," she quirked a delicate eyebrow at him.

Charmed at her audacity, he threw back his head in a self-depreciating laugh. "Oh, boy, now how did I digress into religious philosophy when it was my sole purpose to compare the lustrous glow of your burnished hair to that of the shining stars?" Mischief shone from his deceptively innocent face.

Kelly tweaked him unmercifully, "It’s obvious to me now that I never fully appreciated what an inspiring sight it must be. Will you go home and write odes to it’s glory far into the wee hours of the morn? Shall I snip you a lock to keep over your heart, to take out and caress in the privacy of your room, to pine over and to treasure always?"

"Lady Disdain!" He declared in shocked tones, "I wish my bike had the speed of your tongue!"

Kelly was enchanted, maybe she could get use to the party scene after all, it was proving to be quite entertaining at the moment. Maybe this part of her future life with Kev wouldn’t be so hard to take after all.

"And I, sir, wish that your heart held the innocence of your face, which, no doubt, masks an infinite array wickedness."

He clutched his heart dramatically, "Oh, I am slayed! You do do me wrong, I swear it!"

What the hell was this! Kev thought as he observed how comfortably Kelly bantered with one of the most eligible bachelors on the planet. In annoyance, he recalled how she never had a word to spare for him outside the parameters of business, and now here she was with half the Hollywood A-list dropping like dead flies at her feet! Oh, yes, but only the half that was at this party, he excused her sarcastically. He rose to his feet in annoyance. He had seen enough of this little charade.

"I’m Jarrett Jensen, by the way," he held out his hand to take hers, "and I think you’ve just lead me expertly down an April-fool road." He grinned boyishly, "It’s generally the press who do that. Women are usually much kinder."

"Not always, I’ve heard. Is this where the toilet paper origami chase begins?" Kelly teased about his recent and much repeated escapade.

"What, no, arrggh, you read about that?"

"Um hmm....saw the love offering too...on the internet. A pathetic little swan. But then you were under the pressure of the moment, so it’s probably not your best work."

"I didn’t make that particular piece."


"No. It’s a fake. I have a much more refined technique. You know...," he mused sweetly, "I called that person the meanest woman in the world.....a gross misjudgment as it turns out."

"Who me?"

"Yes, ma’am you! It must be my fate to be abused by beautiful women.

Kelly knew she was operating under the false pretenses of the love potion, but somehow that didn’t matter. Jarrett Jensen had called her beautiful. No one had ever used that word to her before and her spirits soared to even greater heights. The potion was working. Good gosh, how it was working! Kev wouldn’t stand a chance against her tonight. Her heart was singing.

"I’ll graciously allow you to make it up to me, though. Over dinner?" He tilted his head in inquiry. "During a moonlight walk on the beach?" He tried again.

Kelly’s eyes were gleaming in amusement as she slowly shook her head.

"No? A demon ride into the mountains on the back of my bike?"

"I can hardly bear to resist that particular offer, but no thank you."

"Oh, don’t be heartless! You might not believe this, but I get lots of requests for that particular pleasure!"

"Oh, I can believe it," she teased, "some women are into pain."

The light hearted pursuit continued, "would you consider candlelight, rose petals and...."

"Mine if I..hic..join you?" Bernie Chapel leaned in breathing whiskey fumes in Kelly’s face as he barked out a laugh. She pulled back and brushed his hand off her shoulder.

"I’m just going, Bernie. I’ll leave you two guys to your," she grinned impishly at Jarrett, "candlelight and rose petals.

"Wha...," Bernie stumbled into Jarrett in confusion.

"Steady now, steady now, come on, buddy, there’s a nice chair waiting over here," Jarrett maneuvered him into the seat. "Should I find your wife and send her out to you?"

"Uhuhuu...don you..hic..dare to tha ta me.."

They laughed at his screwed up face and decided to leave him there. "I’ll walk you out to your car," Jarrett offered, "do we need to get your wrap?"

"Thank you, that would be very sweet of you. I have somewhere I need to go from here. Someone I have to find."

"I’ll jus come wit..with ya, I’ll drive ya." Bernie spoke from the land of oblivion.

"Kelly, hi. You didn’t tell me you would be here tonight, what an unexpected surprise." Kev smiled brilliantly as he stepped between them and the door. "Jarrett. How’s the training going on the new movie? Pretty grueling I hear. Broken ankle?" The two men shook hands.

"Good to see you, man. No, just badly sprained. I was lucky. Maneuvering pretty well now though."

"Yeah. So it seems." The edge in his voice was not lost on Jarrett who looked at Kelly for her reaction.

Kelly was surprised at Kev’s sudden appearance, but was very happy for it. Where had he come from? She was facing the doors, and hadn’t seen him come through them. But, oh, she was so glad he was here. Her heart had raced at the first sound of his voice, and now increased it’s pace at the look he was giving her.

"You’re looking radiant tonight, Kelly. I don’t believe I’ve seen this dress before, have I?" He teased, leaning back to get the full view.

"You mean at work? No, I don’t believe I’ve worn any evening dresses there. I hope you don’t intend to change the dress code now."

Oh, this was so cool, she marveled. Protected by the potion, she wouldn’t be allowed to falter. If not exactly witty, at least she could now find her tongue when in his presence. Quite an improvement over the usual stuttering fumbling act she normally pulled when Kev Donnelly said something personal.

"So, you two work together, then." Jarrett said, noting that the tension in the air had gone up 98 degrees since Kev showed up.

"I’m Kev’s personal assistant," Kelly said, aware that Jarrett would be wondering at her presence at this party since she was obviously alone. For that matter, Kev might well ask her that very question momentarily. She wondered how to get him away from Jarrett.

"Yeah. Yeah, she is, but I hardly recognize her tonight. She looks....ah..haha," Kev searched for words, "pretty amazing."

"Yes, I’ve been finding out just how amazing she is," Jarrett looked at Kelly, "she was just leaving, though, and I promised to walk her to the car. It was good to see you, man," he touched Kelly’s back to guide her out.

Kev shifted his position, "Ah, Kelly," God, he felt obvious, but was determined she was not leaving there with Jarrett Jensen, "there’s something we need to discuss. Can you stay a few minutes longer?"

"Kev, come on, you can’t expect her to work tonight," Jarrett slid his arm lightly around Kelly’s waist, "I’m sure it can wait until tomorrow."

Before Kev could answer, Kelly turned easily out of Jarrett’s embrace, "Thank you for offering to help, but actually, it was Kev I was looking for when I came here. It’s been wonderful meeting you. Our chat is the most fun I’ve had in ages. I hope we meet again."

"Well then, mission accomplished. I’ll just have to look forward to next time," he said graciously. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t realized there was something between these two since the moment Kev walked up. Jarrett Jensen was known to be a very modest man, but he wasn’t ignorant of his power. If Kev Donnelly was what Kelly wanted, then he would up the ante where Kev was concerned. Jarrett took swift and highly efficient action, then walked away with a Cheshire grin. He hadn’t gotten the MTV award for best screen kiss for nothing by damn.

"Come on old buddy, wake up. Wake up now, let’s get you inside and taken care of." With Bernie protesting all the way, Jarrett half carried half walked him inside, "I haf ta..she needs me her somwares..."

"Oh, I think she’s just fine, Bernie."

Kelly and Kev watched them go. The silence was awkward for Kev, but Kelly was serene with confidence. She waited, wondering what he wanted to speak to her about.

"Well?" Kev inquired finally.

Kelly looked up at him with a questioning eyes.

"Well? What did you come here looking for me for?" He asked.

"Oh. Well, what did you want to speak to me about?" She countered.

"You came here looking for me. You went to the trouble to get all dolled up. It must have been important for you to go to the extreme of wearing a dress. How did you get in, anyway? It’s by invitation only."

Kelly bristled at his tone of voice, "I used the same technique I used on Jarrett Jensen, minus the incredible kiss. I held back." He wouldn’t be allowed to take the high hand with her this time.

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah. It took me about 20 seconds, plus or minus."

"Probably plus."

"Definitely minus."

"I feel quite sure that it is." Kelly felt the smooth surface of the vial in her hand.

Kev gave a lopsided grin, "you still haven’t told me why you were so desperate to find me that you crashed an exclusive party."

Kelly lifted a glass from the tray of a passing waiter. She took her time with a sip of champagne then set in down on a marble bench. Music came drifting out on the balcony and it wasn’t her purpose to bicker with this impossible man that she loved so much. "Come dance with me," she commanded softly.

Kev blinked in surprise, but accepted her into his arms. They barely moved, merely swaying together in time to the music. Her scent was heady, making him think of sprites and fairie dust and mossy glens. Surely a strange thought. He turned his face into her hair and felt an almost uncontrollable urge to fit her intimately to his body, knowing with certainty they would meld perfectly. His mind was reeling, this was the most surreal night of his life. He felt he had inexplicably entered an existence where nothing was what it was supposed to be, and not nearly what he had thought it was. A mystical plane where PA’s had the power to command stars and stars fell in love with PA’s. When had this happened, he wondered in bemusement, but he couldn’t remember ever not loving her.

Kev became aware of Kelly’s hand on his chest, playing idly with the buttons of his shirt. Had he pulled her close, or had she moved there on her own? His mind felt clouded, and he couldn’t seem to remember the moments of passing time. God, she worked for him, he must be insane. Kev needed a drink badly, but there were no waiter to be seen. He took possession of the dangerous hand playing havoc with his heart rhythm and asked distractedly, "don’t you have a drink around here somewhere?"

Kelly nodded, a tiny smile playing at her lips. "Yes, but beware, it might be spiked with love potion."

No kidding, Kev thought. He tried to swallow with a dry throat and almost believed her. There must be some kind of magic at work to make him feel like a schoolboy again in the violent throws of puppy love. Where had this sudden, unsuspected charm of hers come from? He felt off balance, a slight rearranging of his spatial orientation, and it took a moment to right himself. It was almost a feeling of being trapped, but the web was of such a beautiful, fascinating intricacy, he was unwilling, or was it, unable, to break free.

He drank thirstily, and when he seemed about to take the last long swallow, Kelly took the glass from him. Her job was difficult enough already without having to find another drink. She knew it was too much to hope for that he not be wearing a t-shirt underneath his shirt, and her explorations had proved her right. She would have to slip under from the waist which could prove even more tricky. I can’t believe this, she was a little shocked at the reality of her actions, I’m plotting to get my boss out of his clothes. She pulled her mind back to the present, Kev was speaking to her.

"I’m sorry, what was that you said?" She asked, "something about...fairies was it?"

"Fairy dust, love potions and you, it’s a magical night all around. What kind of music do you suppose fairies dance to, mi amor? He mocked her latin lover, with a questioning tilt of his head.

Kelly gazed into his eyes, amused at the jealousy she read in those actions. How many times had she felt the sting he was feeling now? It was a satisfying exchange of positions, but she pledged her soul never to give him cause to feel the sting of it again.

"What kind do you think?" He restated the question, as he pulled her close under the pretense of dancing.

"The music of two hearts beating. In syncopated rhythm, of course."

"Like this?" he held her hand over his rhythmically beating heart, committing to the madness.

"Yes," her breath caught as she replaced her hand with her suddenly faint head.

He loved that she was so forthright, that she didn’t equivocate or turn the question back on him. He loved that the simplicity of her action intensified her simple answer more than could a thousand declarations of love.

"I think so, but I might need to investigate further," somehow through the thick fog of desire, she had become alert to opportunity. Inspiration had stuck at last.

Kev pulled back for a better look at her face, "I can hardly wait to hear what that entails," he laughed. "Does it call for leaving the party?"

"No, you rogue," she scolded with a censorious look, "nothing so scandalous as to warrant that. All it calls for is for me to...," she looked up to see his reaction as she slipped her fingertips inside the waist of his pants, and was rewarded for her mischievous teasing when he quickly gripped her hands, and made an uneasy attempt at a laugh.

"Uh haha, I don’t think you better go there," The look of shock on his face was priceless. Oh, he was the most darling thing, and the joy of this night would live sparkling in her memory forevermore.

"Come here you silly man," Kelly took mercy on him in his discomfort, "as I was saying....all it calls for is for me to...untuck your shirt a bit in the front. Just so." She had a silly grin on her face at the very thought of what she had just done to Kev Donnelly, a man who until very, very recently owned the power to reduce her to a speechless, tearing klutz. She was enjoying this, but couldn’t spare the time to marvel at her handiwork, there was more work to be done. Behind his back, she set her fingers to the task of uncorking the tiny vial of #9.

Kev could not believe he had just stood there and let a woman pull his tuxedo into disarray at an important function where any number of people might witness what was going on. Kelly had come closer apparently wanting to resume their dance. She was bewitching him in every way conceivable way, this inscrutable imp, and he felt powerless against her. He could only trust that her promise not to scandalize would keep them off the covers of the sneaking tabloid press. Entranced, he waited for her next move.

Through the movement of the dance, Kelly had managed to bring them close by the glass of champagne. There! The vial was opened. She carefully tipped a small amount onto her left hand, "Now," she told him, I can complete my investigative research. This won’t hurt a bit. I’ll just slip my hand up inside your shirt to feel your heart beat, that’s all there is to it, and soon, your torture will be ended, and you can get all tucked up again."

"Damning delicious torture," Kev whispered in his sexiest dark honey voice, "Did I say I want it to end?"

With those words, she nearly came undone. Kelly tried to refocus on the steps she had to follow. They had to be perfectly performed or it all would be for nothing. It was imperative that she keep a steady head from here on out. She placed her fingertips across his lips to silence him, "shuuush....there will be time for that later. Right now, shuuush."

"Humm, you taste fabulous, what is that luscious flavor?" Kelly watched in horror as Kev took her fingertips in his mouth one by one. She protested, but he wouldn’t release her hand. Not yet! She was screaming inside, not yet, it’s too soon. You’ll upset the delicate balance of the ritual. But it was too late. He licked the last of her fingers and reached for the other hand.

"Is there more? I want more. You’re intoxicating."

Oh, this was just too ludicrous, Kelly thought in dismay, but no more than she probably deserved for her machinations. Honestly, of all possible flaws in the plan, who would have expected this to trip her up? She dropped her forehead into her hands, too stunned to cry, but she wasn’t so easily discouraged and very soon rallied. Maybe all wasn’t lost. She would try again. It might just work.

Kev was looking at her in complete trust. Good Heavens, she should be shot for this. But the truth hadn’t changed. She might as well be shot if she walked out of here without securing their future together. She tipped the vial once again onto her hand, praying there was enough left for the drink. She went for the shirt. The fragrance of the potion was heavenly, and perfumed the air heavily.

"There is more," Kev’s eyes were now alert. "What is that stuff you’re trying to put on me? Let me see," he went for her hand, but she stuck them behind his back again. He pulled at her arm, but she wouldn’t unlock her clasped hands.

"Kev don’t you’re hurting me. Stop!"

"Then let me see the the stuff. What are you up too back there? You’re not going to put it down my pants are you?"

"No! I’m not going to put it down you’re pants. Now, be still. Please, and be quiet, you’re going to attract attention. Here, have a drink."

"Oh, yeah, I could use a drink. You’re enough to make a man thirsty," a grin slide across his handsome face as he reached for the glass of spiked champagne.

Kelly took her final chance. Under, up and rub. The deed was done just as Kev drained the glass, holding out for the very last drop.

Kelly prayed for luck to say with her as she began the chant. Her head was spinning. Concentrate, concentrate... must get this right..

"Partake of this potion, thereupon look again, the one you want is close at hand, by palest star, by lunar rock, love will strike before the clock, when Venus rises late tonight, love will bloom without a fight, before it lowers one more time, the sun on love full blown will shine."

Kev was staring at her with a loony expression on his face. He was looking straight at her! Kelly flung herself in his arms and kissed him passionately, lush lips against lush lips. It was done, she had done it! She was giddy with trimph and sheer happiness. Then she remembered it hadn’t all gone as instructed. Fear struck the core of her heart. Had it worked? Kelly released her hold on Kev’s neck and looked searchingly into his face. He reached out and touched her face, and she pressed her cheek into his open palm. The suspense was murderous, her heart was near to exploding with the tension of hope against hope, fear against fear.

"That was quite a display, little lady," the endearing lopsided grin was spreading across his dear, dear face. Kelly thought he looked a little shy. She was in limbo. She had expected immediate confirmation of success, but nothing was readily apparent.

Then Kev’s next words crashed into her heart, "If I promise to let you kiss me like that every single day for the rest of our lives, would you consider spending each and everyone of them with me?"

Oh, my god, it worked. Kelly could hardly stand up. Her brain was imploding with the unbelivable knowledge that the love potion had worked. How could this be real, but it was, it truly was. It must be because he had spoken the words the love potion had guaranteed.

They stood quietly embracing each other for a long, long time. Kev wondered how he could have been so blind. She had been right under his nose all this time, and he had thought of her only as quirky little Kelly. No, that wasn’t true, he realized with a sudden crystal clear insight into his own heart. He had loved her soul long before tonight, long before falling in love with her as a person. Tonight, seeing her like this, was only the catalyst that forced realization of the truth. And that was all it had taken. An opening of the eyes, of the mind. A simple thing, to have such a profound effect on the rest of his life.

Kev offered Kelly his arm, and they walked toward the door grinning foolishly at each other. Kelly was insanely happy. Come what may, nothing could ever top this perfect moment in her life. With an easy graceful toss, she sent the near empty vial over the balustrade and into the the night. It’s work was completed.

"By the way, darling,"

"Yes, my love,"

Kev flashed a devilish grin, "Madame Ruth’s love potions never work."

"What!" Further words were impossible in Kelly’s current state of shock.

"Love potions. You know, vials, incantations and such. They never work"

Kelly finally recovered enough to ask, "You’ve had them tried on you before?"

"Oh many times. What number was that one anyway?"

"Number 9." She answered watching his face intently.

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I thought it’s fragrance was slightly familiar."

Kev raised her hand to his lips for a kiss.

As Kelly watched the passion in Kev Donnelly’s eyes, she reserved the right to a different opinion.


Bernie’s face was splattered as something plopped in his martini. He wiped his cheeks, then checked his drink, but, it seemed free of foreign objects. He poked again at the olive, then forgot about it as he headed toward the car wondering which bedroom he would find Kelly waiting in. He set his glass on the hood of his car as he rummaged around under the seat. He raised his head and bumped it on the dashboard. He was sure he had heard a movement near the car, but no one was there. Finding his stash, he took his drink and headed back inside. Things were going to really start popping now, he thought with a drunken giggle.

"Bernie , where on earth have you been?" his wife asked arriving at the door the same time he did, but from another direction. She searched his face for a reaction. She hoped he wasn’t either coming back from or planning on playing house with some bimbo thirty years his junior. She had high hopes of putting an end to that once and for all. "I’ve been looking everywhere for you. What were you doing out there anyway?"

Oh, hells bells, I’m dead in the water now, Bernie thought. He staggered as he tossed back the drink he was desperately going to need to get through the inquisition. It felt almost solid going down. Chomping the olive, he looked in annoyance all around the room, then finally faced the music. He shook his head trying to clear his vision. He stared in amazement at the most ravishing vision he had ever seen anywhere on earth. His wife, his very own wife was the most gorgeous creature he had ever laid eyes on, and furthermore, he loved her, loved her madly, insanely! All this time, right in his own bed was the most desirable creature in all of Hollywood, the world, and she was his! By gosh, life was good!

Madam Ruth, leaned back from the scene in the crystal ball, and indulged in a merry chuckle. She held Romani up to look into his face. "What a delightful business we are in, Romani," she said, nuzzling noses with him, "just purely delightful." It was almost a crime to take money for her work, it was so entirely satisfying when things worked out this perfectly. Darling Kelly had no idea of the tremendous power of self confidence. Little did she know she had dazzled that whole crowd and walked off with the man of her dreams aided by nothing more than faith and her own natural born charm. She simply wouldn’t believe it. Mr. Bernie Chapel, on the other hand, well.....his wife had definitely gotten what she paid for, and then some.

The End