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The guitar strums, the horns play, and hands begin to clap
Turning slowly, green eyes meet
We stare intently

My heart beats wildly
My hand slides slowly down his face
My back arches as I dip across his arm
Then suddenly I am twirling across the floor

My skirt flies about me
The music quickens and the violins sing
All is a blur as our feet dance

He grasps my hands
We twist and turn
My breath catches in my chest
Faster and Faster we go

He embraces my waist
I dip low to the floor
My toe points to the ceiling

Febuary 2001


V alentine, voluptuously voiced,
A blaze, amaze, an abstract act
L yrically luxurious, lunatic
E pic evoking
N onsensical nonstop
T sunami
I mpassioned illusions implode in
N euron's neon nebula,
E dens ever echoing enexultation

February '01


Tall, lean, masculine
No pretty boy, here
Sparkling green eyes,
warm, knowing grin

A complicated man
intelligent, eccentric, unique
A chameleon, ever changing
Full of surprise

Talented, graceful, humorous
Independent, inscrutable
Unbearable to some, a delight to most

A seducer, with long raven hair,
Madmartigan or Martin DePorres

A criminal, his cascading blonde locks,
puts us in Heat

Hip swiveling, rock star, brown
curly hair, falling carelessly in his face

No one could ever have lips as full and tempting as yours
Your smile could brighten and lighten millions of hearts
You charmer, you disarmer, you one - of- a -kind three -alarmer


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