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Messages from the mailing list

Subject :[ocdteen] this morning's attacks

i hope you guys are all okay. i'm not as close as you guys all are, and i
can't even imagine how scared you're feeling. but i hope you're doing okay.
has anybody been close to the attacks or anything, are we all ok?
luv an OCDTeen

Subject: Re: [ocdteen] this morning's attacks

I hope everyone is well and safe, my thoughts are
with u all!
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: [ocdteen] NY terrorists

I am considered about people in the New York City
area too. Is everyone ok?
An OCDTeen

Re: [ocdteen] NY terrorists

Hi! I live in NY...not the city but I live in Queens, which is like an hour from the city.
And well thanks to God..when that incident happened I was on my way to college in Brooklyn.
Classes were canceled and I went nothing bad happened to me.

Well thanks for caring =]

--- An OCDTeen wrote:
i have been out of school for 2 days because i am
having constant anxiety attacks and im going off
of paxil and i feel terrible.
ive been crying all the time and i feel like none of this is fair and
why is it happening to me? and now thousands of people all over the country are dead for no reason,
and my life feels so pointless and no one understands.
write back personally or on the list, but please help me!

An OCDTeen responds:
I feel like thereīs so much pain that i canīt bear it.
Itīs unbelievable that so many people have died. I want to cry for each and every one that was and is hurt by this tragedy but my brain canīt take it in so i go around with a heavy load of anguish on my heart.
Itīs almost like i loath myself for being alive (when so many people have died) and living in a world where this can happen.
Iīve had suicidal thoughts for a while now and at moments i almost wish i could take the place of someone in the planes or the buildings that was happy and loved this life. want to take all the worlds pain and cry it away but i canīt even cry for myself anymore.
**, I donīt understand why you have to suffer like
this but i wish with all of my heart i could take your pain away.
What I do know for sure is that your life are NOT and can NEVER BE pointless.
And youīre a good person whoīs caring and sensitive to the point where it makes it hard for you to live.
It doesnīt matter if no one thatīs close to you understand because know that I understand how hard it can be.
So what you do is get another med or another therapist and focus on the fact that youīre a great person.
Please let me know how youīre doing.
/Love, An OCDTeen

Another OCDTeen responds:

Don't feel bad. Everyone thinks their life is most important, because to them it is.
You shouldn't feel guilty...but sure i think this may enlighten us..

Another OCDTeen responds:
you cannot blame yourself for what happened, it was a tragedy, but dont wish you were on the plane.
you are a significant part of this world.
take time to yourself.
An OCDTeen

Subject:[ocdteen] One NYer safe!! (me!!)

Hey guys! I just wanted to assure everyone that I'm ok! I live in NY but I'm not in Manhatten.
I hope all is well with everyone else, especially those of you that knew people who worked in the buildings or were flying.
It's a traumatic time for everyone and my OCD has gotten worse because of it.
When I first heard the news I was so scared because my ****** does a lot of bussiness work that has to do with flying, often in Boston and Manhatten.
When he is in Manhatten he is usually in the building right next to the Twin Towers.
My *** called my ***** who had just gotten ahold of him, it turned out he had just barely flown out of Manhatten a couple days ago and actually had planned to go back from Boston until this happened.
To those of you who need to talk to someone, I want each and every one of you to know I'm here for you all.
Anyone else from NY please email me and let me know you're ok!

Love you all,
An OCDTeen

Subject: [ocdteen] NY terrorists Hi everyone !

I was really schocked after hearing the news yesterday !
Wat awful, there are no words that can describe what happened in NYC.
Here in the Netherlands is everybody in schock about what happened.
We had a debate about it in class this morning.
We actually have a few people in class who are happy about this !
This is just unbelievable. I mean, how can an adult be happy about such a disaster ?
And this are people who are studying to become social workers !
Needless to say that this resolted to outrage and that it was impossible to go on with the lesson.
I hope that every one of you and your families are allright and I want to let you know that I am thinking about you in this difficult time and that my heart reaches out to you all.
If anyone needs someone to talk about this, e-mail me.
Take care and lots of love,
An OCDTeen

Subject : [ocdteen] NY terrorists

hi everyone
i just wanted to check that those of you who live in the NY/Manhattan area
of the US are okj after hearing about all these terrorist attacks on the news.
it's dreadful and everyone is so shocked in England.
The LOnodn parliament offices in Westminster have been closed down in case of a plane hitting there.
is every1 ok?
An OCDTeen

Subject : [ocdteen] I hope that you doing alright ******** in New York?

I hope that you are safe? I haven't talked to you in awhile. I was just wondering if you are still on the list?
Get back to me soon.
My thoughts are with you.
Your Friend,
An OCDTeen

The Virtual Candle

Subject : Re: [ocdteen] One NYer safe!! (me!!)


Subject: Re: [ocdteen] about the tragedy

i will be the first person to say that i havent spoken to very many people that are with the ocd group but seeing this note you wrote really shocked me!!
we as americans cannot let these terrorist drive us into the ground if we surrender to our anguish it only means that they have suceeded in what they set out to do...
destroy not only america but the american people. I would now like to say that for everyone that feels this way that life is pointless and has no meaning, that it really angers me!!! EXTREMELY!!!!
just like the british parliment said, whoever carried these atacks out had no understanding of the value of human life. We need to start realizing that life on this earth is a greater value than any amount of money and anything else and can be taken away at any second, with no chance to repent or take back things we have done in the past, suicide to me is so pointless to me now that i have goten over it, and to hear people talk about it at this time in our world disgust me,

Subject : Re: [ocdteen] about the tragedy

I know where youīre coming from.
But we canīt help feeling pain and anguish.
Turning it into anger can be healthy to a point but dealing with all these emotions that way is not ok. Thatīs when hate and prejudice takes a hold of people and create violence and death and more sorrow.
Iīm alarmed when i hear bush speaking of this being a great battle of good and evil.
Evil is not a religion, a country, a race or a man.
Evil is hate and death and sorrow and iīm so afraid that heīll,in a twisted way, try to honour the victims by causing the death of others.That is truly surrendering to evil.
Donīt want to start an angry debate so please just look at this as my opinion and consider it even if you donīt agree with a single letter.
I donīt have all the answers but i do know that an eye for an eye canīt be a solution to violence; it hasnīt been yet and ALOT of people have tried it!
And about suicide, you must understand that for me life has been painful 24/7 for the last couple of years and this incident adds to that pain but i donīt want to die and i got really angry on myself for thinking about it when so many people actually lost their lifes.
But realising life is precious and what a miracle every moment is does not take away my suffering and that is why i probably in a moment of selfpity thought it was unfair for me to be alive and struggling every minute of the day when people who loved their life lost it.
An OCDTeen

An OCDTeen wrote in a message:

f*** terrorists. i cried for a day over it and then got tough. you need to be tough now to show the taliban "government" and underground cowardly societies that americans have balls and that women are human beings and intelligent as well. don't cry anymore-- it will only make you feel like crap. i stopped eating for about 48 hours, cried, didn't shower, and stayed home from school when all i should have been doing was buying flags and newspapers, donating blood, and calling talk radio stations. don't over-analyze this, it will only be a detriment to you. i know with ocd we over-analyze. we're intelligent and sensitive, but we need to GET TOUGH. be logical-- this is not WWIII, and with good democracy, this won't happen again any time soon. don't worry.

take care everyone, and please, PLEASE, don't rely on nostradamous. take it with a grain of salt. fate is inevitable-- the world has no superheroes. all you are doing when you turn to nostradamous is creating apprehension in yourself. i think we'll all agree that we don't need that. we are perpetually anxious. try not to dwell on this hoax. fate, god, buddha, satan... whatever. just be true to yourself and enjoy/ be grateful for what you DO have and DO currently experience.

big hug,
An OCDTeen

Subject : [ocdteen] Don't Worry

Even if that is what *********** said, it makes no difference, it doesn't have to happen.
If we knew something bad was going to happen if we did a certain thing, the easiest thing to do it to not do it.
Bush needs to understand that he shouldn't surcome to the stupidity of whoever did this.
If you guys can, I don't know how, but if there is some way of contacting the president,
please do so and tell him what you think about what his decision should be.
If he decides he is going to attack, them he is even more syupid than those who did this.
Remember, it doesn't have to be that way, and we can all make a difference.

Subject : [ocdteen] a poem

Hey guys, how are you all? I can`t get what happened in New York on Tuesday out of my head, it`s just too terrible.
It makes me sick if I think for too long about it. Last night I was sitting with my little brother, and I just started crying uncontrollably.
I just kept saying, ''it didn`t happen, it`s not real''.
I ran upstairs and took a shower and felt a little better after I slept but I have been really nervous the past couple of days.
It`s strange but I wandered around for three days knowing what happened, and it didn`t sink in till last night.
Anyway, I like writing poetry, and I wrote this poem, and I`d really like to contribute to your memorial website. So, here it is.

My tears are for the many
on the doomed planes,
like great winged bombs
they reduce huge towers
to crumbled ruins.
My tears are for the thousands
in office buildings
who died for no cause
murdered by the angry hands
of an unspeakable evil
My tears are for the heroes
who were laid to rest
saving the victims
of an unbelievable tragedy
My tears are for the families
who hurry along the dirty streets
bearing photographs of their beloved missing
Refusing to give up hope

Never lose faith


Subject : Re: [ocdteen] a poem

I also wrote a poem, several nights ago. It is hard for me to comprehend whats happened, I was hoping it wasn't real.
World War 3 is not going to happen. (i HOPE). I heard talk of the drafting policy coming into effect, but talk is all it is.
I am scared, but the nation has it pretty much under control. The really scary thing is, I only live 450 miles from New York.
Keep Faith.

Subject: [ocdteen] AHHHHHHHHHH!

Is the world going to end?????????

Subject :
Re: [ocdteen] AHHHHHHHHHH! (religion)

We don't know if the world is going to end or not! I f you believe in God coming back He siad He'll come" in the twinkle of an eye" which means we don't know when nor how fast He's gonna come! You've got to have faith and anothr thing Nobody knows when he'll com eback NoBODY!!! Not even a psychic!!! Its hard to have faith but Im still learning!
An OCDTeen

Page 2 messages
It is Time to Declare War (an essay)
Jack Buck Poem at Busch Stadium on 9/17/01
One (a Della Reese poem)
Words about the US from a Canadian