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Messages continued

Subject: Re:[ocdteen] america attacking

I totally understand where you are coming from about the whole us attacking thing , but like what if the US was only going to aatack a country that is harboring a suspected murderer? Plus the US rarely kills civilan lives, and usally goes after the military ones. THe US is also just trying to stop the terrorism camps, I was just wondering how you felt about that...honestly i dont know about how i feel about the US like attacking another country...i know i dont want a war but then again i somtimes think the US should do something.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re:[ocdteen] Don't Worry

Hi ****,
I think the US shounld NOT attack the country cause they have no country to attack. They should just try to find the guy who did it! Why would we want to be reponsale for innocent kids moms dads gandparents and anything else for that matter!!!??? I don't think they deseve it cause we didn't deserve it!!! Also, should we swipe a country out, cause they had nothing to do with it, it was there people that did it but NOT the government! My dad is arabic and moved here when he was a teenager and was raised here on his own because of the war and I don't want anything to happen to my family or anyone for that matter, to go through what he did! That's why I think we should NOT attack, just to get the jerk who did it!
Thanks, An OCDTeen

Subject: Re:[ocdteen] america attacking

I would like to say something, and I hope it doesn't offend.
America is attacking different countries every day. We never hear about it because America is 'such a strong country'.
Every day, peoples lives are ended at the hands of America, and there hasn't been any retaliation because of the strength of the country.
What happend was bound to happen, because America seems to thing it has the power to do what it wants to any country.
Maybe we all should think about people that are dying every day, and stop being so ignorant in only believing all that matters is what is going on in your country.
It is true about the deaths caused by America each day, and no one seems to give a damn about all those innocent people that are dying.
We are trying to be made to think America doesn't do this kind of thing unless they are attacked, but it isn't true.
If they retaliate, the will deffinately be some attacking back.
If you president decides to attack, he is being selfish, and is only thinking about pride, which means nothing if innocent people have to die.
America is not even sure who did this, and lose of insane lies about 'finding a passport that belonged to the person who did it' and such like, are being made up to make the American people feel more anger to the people who we are not even sure did this.
Please, try and find information yourselves, if you want to know what is really happening, and don't just believe what you are told, because more often than not, it is all fabricated lies.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

Unfortunately the US doesn't just bomb military sites, look at Iraq, hundreds of thousands of civiliians, old people, children, etc. were killed.
The media didn't cover that part of it. War is a very complicated thing, especially when there isn't a country - just people in the country.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Fwd: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

hey i totally disagree with you, i am not even from america but i think they are doing the right thing, they are not trying to kill inocent people but if that happens then so be it, they did much worse to america, they are just trying to get osama bin laden and his followers and give them what they deserve...what happened to the u.s was the worst terrorist attack in history and i think they have every right to fight back, they are one of the strongest nations in the world and in the end once we are rid of the sick people like bin laden and the followers then justice will be done.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

it really wasn't the worst terrorist attack. you think that because that is all they show you. They don't show you all the things that are going on every day at the hands of america.
I'm not saying it wasn't that person, but america isn't exactly sure, alot of the 'evidence' they said they found was fabricated, and in some cases, lies. I don't mean to be rude, but I think you are a little nieve, because you're only looking at what they tell you to look at.
Seriously, look for yourself at the stuff they don'y want you to see.
Also, 'so be it' if innocent people die, is really not a good way of looking at things, that's just like saying 'Hitler wanted to make a point, so six million people died, it was worth it.' We should look at the overall picture, and stop being blind about what's really happening.
An OCDTeen

Subject: [ocdteen]-OCD TEEN- America Attacking

Dear ******,
I hope what I say doesnt offend, you, but I can not guarentee anything, after all I did find your post most offensive... To say the least. Are country first of all does not attack different countries every day for no good reason, and I would like to know what your source is? We have been supplying Israel with war weapons to fight because Iraq is fighting Israel with an unjustful cause.
Bin Ladan, you want to know something about him? He is an evil man who doesnt like people who dont believe like him, he is your typical dictator, and we aren't wanting to kill him because of our pride or because of revenge.
We dont want to harm those who harmed us because we feel like our pride is at stake. We want to get those who have gotten us because of the simple factor that we want to know it's over, and that the people of American can go on with there lives, and not worry about being attacked by devil like people! You say that maybe we kill innocent people daily? Our country is a country that represents freedom, and equality to all.
Unless someone is waving a loaded gun infront of America's head, we will not harm them! You say we are ignorant? No.. Did you see the people who prayed and sang and shed tears for those who died? Those whom we dont know, but yet still send our prayers out to? Do you consider that ignorant? If so your morals are not in the right order.
If anything I would say our country is Selfish. Selfish because of the fact that selfish means Self loving, and before you can love others you must love yourself. If we are so ignorant and only thinking what matters in our country is important, why do we help the Jewish community of Israel, why do we help that small fraction of the world have justice? Why did our country help fight against Hitler, even though he wasn't in our country?
Surely you cant back ignorance up with that volunteer like work. I think the only fabricated lies that are spoken are those perhaps out of your mouth. What you said greatly insulted me, and I am sorry if I insulted you as well, or anyone else on the board, but our country is one of Honor, Pride, Equality, Freedom, Trust, Faith, and Love.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

****- I Agree with you, this was a terrible terrorist act and it ruined so many families. Although the U.S. has bombed many countries, they go out of their way to stay away from civilian targets...sometimes even endangering themselves in the process! If we don't strike back any country is going to think it's okay to do this to us..and that means even more pain and suffering.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

i don't know where you are getting your information but the u.s DOES have proof that osama bin laden was then leader of all this, i never once said it was ok to kill innocent people but that it was their country did to usso who says they don't deserve it....this is a war against terrorist and if other people get in the way then its there fault.......
i really don't see where your coming from but you have no right to see im bein blind about the situation.....i know whats going on and i conpletely agree with it......we need revenge, we can't jst sit here and take not even american but it is our people as a nation,anyways im not gonna sit here and argue so believe what you want and i will do the same :)
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking
The bottom line is this; none of this is OUR fault, and innocent people don't deserve to die. Period. But we are all powerless to what has happened and what will happen. The only thing we can do is set examples by advocating peace, not hatred.

Subject: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

It is so simple
taking lives = wrong
iīm sure every family who lost a loved one would agree Please donīt hide behind banors OR opinions.
It getīs to easy to see a "them" and an "us".
Suffering is suffering.

*******,I believe that too.

******, I think you made a good point.What we see,read every day is not the absolute truth.Media controlls what information is showed to us and shapes it into something that will appeal to us.
I havnīt watched the news for the last couple of days but I donīt think you have seen alot of reports about the terror of the people leaving their homes,jobs and country.Fleeing for their lives...

****, that opinion is cruel. It is that kind of thinking that start wars and make terrorists.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

I agree with you ****, these people only listen to violence, we cannot say 'never mind, we'll forgive you, lets talk'. These terrorists commited MURDER.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

****, I don't mean to be rude, but do you think about what you write?
you said 'if innocent people get in the way, that is there fault'. What, innocent people that are just trying to live their lives, talking with their friends and family members, and then suddenly having a bomb hit them. Come on, People are caught up in this walking down the streets. It not thier fault, they should be able to live thier lives, and just remember, they havn't actually done anything wrong.
Also, 'revenge'. That is what creates every world war. And also, I shouldn't keep going to this, but Hitler blamed the Jews for all that went wrong in his life, six million people died for 'revenge', that is NOT right.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: [ocdteen]-OCD TEEN- America Attacking

I am not offended about what you have said.
And I understand you saying it, because I can tell that you love your country.
However I still don't think you quite understand. All that you said is what you have been told.
I again want to say I am not saying it was right what happened. Totally the opposite infact.
It was terrible, but if america retaliates, the is just going to be those family members crying, and feeling lost because THEIR children, husbands, wives, friends, and other people THEY care about will be dead.
If something should be done, it should be to those who commited the crime, and not the innocent others that happen to live in the same country.
You can't say that is unreasonable.
It's true.
And if three americans did, what happened there, to another country, it would not be fair for those in that country to bomb the whole of america.
Surely you can see it from that point of view.
Killing innocent lives does not make america the wonderful place you make it to be.
It makes it just as bad as those people who inflict pain, who kill, who rape, who torchure. Just as bad. And nothing can justify that.
An OCDTeen

Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: [ocdteen] america attacking

look, i don't want the list to become a place of political/ethical debate, but i must reply to these posts. NO ONE WANTS WAR, with the exception of severely disturbed people. marina, i want you to be specific because the reason we believe all this is because that's what the media tells us! the only way to know the truth is if one is in the military or works with the president. you need to understand that before becoming emotional and making biased assumptions. tell us how america kills innocent people daily and what they do that is so horrific. where do you live? does it happen in your country? yeah, it would be noble of america to take the higher ground and not go to war. but there has not yet been a declaration of military action in terms of war-- only a worldwide manhunt. and yes, it IS the worst terrorist attack that this nation is aware of. we can't go looking for answers because we only know what the media tells us, and that is hardly our fault. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. i don't mean to be rude or anything.

An OCDTeen

p.s. bringing hitler into this was completely irrelevant and naive. hitler was a demagouge whose intentions were soley to wrest power from all who had it. he wanted to be a martyr. america is not at all doing that. we are simply defending our people, our country, our freedom to feel safe and live life as we like to. i pity you if your government does not do the same.

Subject :[ocdteen] america.....
before i say anything i want to say how much i really do find these events many innocent lives and so many innocent people have been hurt.
HOWEVER, i am not finding it easy to turn on the computer, open my email and see masses of emails about the situation as well. it's all over the newspapres, television, everyone is talking about it, and yes it is horrific, but im sure that this talk about it all the time isnt helping some people with ocd who may worry about it even more.
What i would like to propose is that we keep the list for ocd/depression matters only, and that if you want to discuss the America situation maybe do that through private email. I dont mean to sounds like I'm fed up of hearing it or anything (IM NOT I PROMISE!!!!) but i'm just concerned that for some people it may add to their ocd worries. personally i like to read my emails from the group feeling that sense of support and care. now with all the emails about the america situation i feel worry and im sure others feel the same.
what do you all think?
An OCDTeen
Subject: [ocdteen] i started the whole american thing, sorry

Hey everyone~
Sorry to cause such a controversy here by asking about american attackings. I would like to remind everyone that america is the nation that because it is the strongest is always tries to help eveyone. Our tax dollars go to help natural disaters, make peace, feed the hungry whatever.
After WWI we helped england and france pay their debts. We are even trying to help the women of afganistan and their children who have the worst human rights in the whole world. We try not to kill Civialans, but nothing compares to killing 6333 people. Plus i got my info from my ******* boyfriend who is in the us army, so its true. But again im sorry for causeing such a controversy.

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