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The Company of the Lost Sword Charter

A member of the company of the lost sword must agree to and follow the following charter, lest he bring dishonor to his name, and to the names of his fellow guild members.

The Company is a family of Knights brought together to serve the common good and to promote Justice and Goodness throughout the realms of Britannia. As a member of this family eacch knight is expected to work together, as a team with his fellow knights, whenever possible.

A knight of the lost sword, shall never steal from the innocent or the neutral.

A knight of the lost sword shall not Murder the innocent or Nuetral.

A knight shall be allowed to kill a blue player if said player is a known thief or murder, in any case, A knight of the lost sword shall never raise his weapon nor cast a harmfull spell against anyone with good or better Karma.

A knight of the lost sword shall not aid nor ressurect the wicked, evil or anyone with bad karma.

A knight of the Lost Sword shall uphold the Law of Britannia, and in any case, aid the King.

A knight of the Lost Sword shall defend the weak and the innocent to the best of his ability.

A knight of the Lost Sword shall always render whatever reasonable aid or assistence that may be given.

A knight of the Lost Sword is expected, when in times of great fortune and excess wealth, to contribute to the guild with whatever donation said knight shall deem fair and worthy, so that the common good may be aided.

A knight of the Lost sword is expected to aid in whatever quests the Guild should determine worthy to partake in.

A knight of the Lost sword should aid in the growth and development of those less skilled than he, so that the guild as a whole shall be able to grow stronger.