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- Welcome To -

- Words of Wisdom -
From Some of The World's Wisest Beings


I think there's just one kind of folks.


- Harper Lee
To Kill A Mockingbird
Chapter 23
Spoken by the character "Scout"

I swore never to be silent
whenever and wherever human beings
endure suffering and humiliation.

We must always take sides.

Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim.
Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.

- Elie Wiesel
(Survivor of the Holocaust)

Dream - Explore - Discover

Twenty Years From Now
You Will Be More Disappointed
By The Things You Didn't Do
Than By The Ones You Did.

So Throw off The Bowlines.
Sail Away From The Safe Harbor.
Catch The Trade Winds In Your Sails.

- Mark Twain

What A Person Doesn't Say &/or Do,
Says As Much About Her/Him
As The Things S/He Does Say &/or Do.

- Coleman Wheeler -

My Karma = My Karma
Your Karma = Your Karma

Life is not measured
by the number of breaths we take
but by the places and moments
that take our breaths away.

- anonymous -

May God bless you with discomfort
at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships.

May God bless you with anger
at injustice, oppression and exploitation.

May God bless you with tears to shed
for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness
to believe that you can make a difference in the world.

- From A Franciscan Blessing -

One does not discover the new lands
without consenting to lose sight
of the shore for a very long time.

- Andre Gide -

We must BE the change we wish to see.

- Mohandas Gandhi -

Give The World
The Best You Have
And The Best
Will Come Back To You.

- Madeline Bridges -

The roots of happiness
grow deepest
in the soil of service.

- W.A.Ward -

That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing...
I meant that.

- GOD -

The length of your education
is less important than its breadth;
and the length of your life
is less important than its depth.

- Marilyn vos Savant -
Newspaper Columnist
(Guinness' World's Highest IQ)

A Teacher Can Only Teach a Student to Grow
As Far as He Has Learned to Grow Himself.

Take Action Only When Your Feeling
Is Inviting, Open, & Positive;
Then the Actions You Take
Will be Aligned with the Higher Will.

- Sanaya Roman -
Author of Spiritual Growth

Walk on a rainbow trail...
Walk on a trail of song...
And all about you will be beauty...
There is a way out of every dark mist...
Over a rainbow trail.

- Navajo Song -

Butter tea and wind pictures,
the Crystal Mountain,
and the sheep dancing in the snow
its quite enough!
Have you seen the snow leopard?
No! Isn't that wonderful?

- Peter Matthiessen -

I went to the woods
because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn
what it had to teach
and not, when I came to die
discover that I had not lived.

- Henry David Thoreau -
Author of Walden

With the evening breeze
the water laps
against the heron's legs.

- Buson -

"My feet are cold," one says,
and the legless man replies:
"So are mine. So are mine."

- Kentucky Folklore -

Sitting quietly, doing nothing,
spring comes, and the grass
grows by itself.

- Zen Saying -

He was alone. He was unheeded, happy,
and near to the wild heart of life.
He was alone & young
& willful & wild-hearted,
alone amidst a waste of wild air
and brakish waters
and the seaharvest of shells
& tangle & veiled grey sunlight.

- James Joyce -

An Eye For An Eye
Only Ends Up Making The Whole World Blind.

- Mahatma Gandhi -
Human Rights Leader

Nature is unity in diversity...
a harmony, blending together all created things...
one great whole, animated by the breath of life.

- Alexander Von Humboldt -

Miracles shall follow miracles
and wonders shall never cease.

Barn's burnt down -
I can see the moon.

- Masahide -

Enlightenment is like the moon
reflected on the water.
The moon does not get wet,
nor is the water broken.
Although its light is wide and great,
the moon is reflected
even in a puddle an inch wide.
The whole moon and the entire sky
are reflected in
one dewdrop on the grass.

- Dogen -

Don't hide your light under a bushel.

It isn't necessary
to blow out
the other person's light
to let your own light shine.

The Greatest Thing in the World
Is Not so Much Where We Stand
As in What Direction We Are Moving.

- Oliver Wendell Holmes -

How refreshing,
the whinny of a packhorse
unloaded of everything!

- Zen Saying -

I threw my cup away
when I saw a child
drinking from his hands
at the trough.

- Diogenes -

that you are this universe
and this universe is you.

- Joy Harjo -
Creek Indian Poet

The challenge mobilize,
to start rebuilding a world
that is in ecological
and human equilibrium.

- Jerome B. Wiesner -
President Emeritus
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Blessed are the peacemakers;
for they shall be called
the children of God.

- Matthew -
The Bible

I walked down the beach,
soothed by the rhythm of the waves,
the sun on my bare back and legs,
the wind and mist from the spray on my hair.
Into the waves and out like a sandpiper.

The waves echo behind me
is what the sea has to teach
But there are other beaches to explore.
There are more shells to find.
This is only the beginning.

- Anne Morrow Lindbergh -
Author of Gift From The Sea

Knock on the sky
and listen to the sound!

- Zen Saying -

EXCELLENCE is Never an Accident.

If you judge people
you have no time to love them.

- Mother Teresa -
Founder - Sisters of Charity

Words have the power
to destroy or heal.
When words are
both true & kind
they can change the world.

Hatred never ceases by hatred;
by love alone it is healed.
This is the ancient & eternal law.

A group of 200 executives
were asked what makes a person successful.
Eighty percent listed Enthusiasm
as the most important quality.

Most people are about as happy
as they make up their minds to be.

- Abraham Lincoln -
U.S. President

The highest reward for a person's toil
is not what they get for it
but what they become of it.

- John Ruskin -

There is no world I know
that can compare
with pure imagination.

- Willy Wonka -
Charlie & The Chocolate Factory

A Person who is Self-Reliant, Positive,
Optimistic, & Undertakes his/her work with
the Assurance of Success
Magnetizes her/his condition.
S/He Draws to him/herself
The Creative Powers of The Universe.


If you let cloudy water settle
it will become clear.
If you let your upset mind settle
your course will also become clear.

We inter-breathe with the rain forests,
we drink from the oceans.
They are part of our own body.

When You Can't Breathe, Nothing Else Matters.

- The American Cancer Society -

Harm no other beings.
They are just your
brothers & sisters.


As you walk, eat, & travel,
be where you are,
Otherwise you will miss
most of your life.

Let your mind become clear
like a still forest pool.


When wishes are few,
the heart is happy.
When desire ends,
there is peace.