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The Isle of Gillies and The Gillies Fighters

Awww! You have to like him!!!!!!!!

I'm sure you all have heard of the Johnsy Light Brigade, The Gillies Cyber-System, and Cithy's Kingdom. Well, I wasn't happy with the cybersystem. So I started my own Gillies Fighters (for lack of a better name). We're out to kick some Brigade arse... However, we here at the GF decided that to overcome the JLB, we needed to find a headquarters. So, packing our bags, we moved to a small island in the Pacific Ocean. Enter...

The Isle of Gillies!!!

All the power's in the drums! We must fight to regain the supreme position!!! The Isle must be the most powerful nation ever established!! Gillies Power!

Yeah, I think that Ben's the best. He's tooo freaking cool! Having a dream (and a lot of spare time), I have decided that Ben really does deserve his own little island. So the Isle Of Gillies was born. Now, as anyone should figure out, to survive, you need military force. That is one thing that Cithy's Kingdon lacks. So that's an easy takeover. And the Gillies CyberSystem, our close friends and confidantes, they don't have a military either. The JLB does. So in order to defend ourselves in case of any possible takeover (you know, cause we're sooo cool and everyone wants to live here), we have the elite Gillies Fighters. We are strong, we are fast, we are cool.

You want to be a part of our loverly island and the Gillies fighters?? Good, 'cause I just put this up and have only a few people. Well, I'll take you all on single handedly. Yeah!!!! Anyway, who am I??

Leader Chick of the Isle and the Supreme Commander of the Gillies Fighters

I'm Sarah. I'm like the President of the island. Yeah, I can hear you saying, "Wait, shouldn't that be Ben??" But, can you picture giving Ben responsibility??? Sure... So I run the island and the Gillies Fighters under the supervision of....

The Man behind the Drums

Ben, the one and only. He's sort of the reason for existing, you know?? What can you be???

Who are we recruiting??

We need Country Representatives. We need Land Crew, we need Drum Maintainers, we need fighters, weapontry. We are an island! We are an army! Most importantly, we are Ben's people! If you can think of anything you feel the island or GF need, then submit it any you can be it! Email The Gillies Fighters to join.

Who we are:

Heidi, Ben-head Teeny Killer
Elly, Nail Clippers and Bourbon Endless Supplier
Janice, Commander of the Big Brown Eye Troops
Heather, Domestic Communicator between Ben and Daniel
Niki, Canadian Drum Girl
silverzeppelin, Drum Maintainer
So, what can you do here? I also have two other pages, so if things don't update as quickly, this is why. but let's see...

Read Member Bios

The Gillies Fighters was established on September 10th by Sarah. I was looking at the JLB and I was inspired. This is only a friendly fight...I guess =) between us and all others.The JLB and I have close standings. So we're cool with them. Same thing with Cithy's Kingdom. And the Gillies CyberSystem and us are each other's best friends =) Ben is sooo cool, he deserves more pages, so me, having to manage at least four pages at all times, decided to take responsibility. Besides, I was sooo inspired by Ben when I saw him at RockStock.. damn, that boy can drum...

K, see this? This is called a GUESTBOOK!!! Sign it! I always sign them. Pretty please...

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