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Welcome... BACK for some of you... to my page, Its finna blow up like Y2K should've! I have new poems up, so peep those out. So just sit back, relax, let yo fingers do the walkin and chill.. oh yeah... sign the guestbook too.. By the way... In the never ending quest for knowledge about female pleasure, the how-to links have been updated...

And For those of you wondering... Kenny had to die... again

Linx 4 dat Ass 1nce again

Angelfire - Pages For the Net-Impaired
no slogan no more... just Nike
A How-To for the niggas (and some of ya'll ladies)
A How-To for the ladies (and a few of u niggas)
A How-To for those who like to play with things.... dont front
A How-To for those who like booty sex... dont front on this either...
More Shit on Booty sex (Get it?)
For those "Tough" Times.... LMAO
PIX PIX PIX of me (Coming soon... bucket nekkid... lol)
Poems for those who want to see another side of me

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