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    Good Shepherd Lutheran Church  

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Good Shepherd Lutheran Church was organized in 1958 as a mission congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). Today we care for approximately 1,400 souls and 1,000 communicant members.

Almost half of our membership comes from a non-Lutheran or a non-Christian background.

In 1984 we launched a Christian Day School which now serves over 400 students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. We also have a Preschool and Day Care program serving 100 students.

Our worship follows the historical pattern of liturgical worship with variations to suit our particular community. We emphasize reverence before God, the objective means of grace (Word and Sacrament), confession and absolution, joyful singing and praise, prayers for the needs and thanksgivings of the church as well as the individuals in our spiritual family. We are blessed with excellent musicians, choirs, ensembles, and soloists. We use the Lutheran Hymnal (the old Lutheran Hymnal) with some modifications.

The laity at Good Shepherd exercise their faith in many ways. We stress personal and family devotions, Bible study, and prayer. Members exercise their faith in their own neighborhoods and work environments by a holy life and by sharing Biblical truths. Many of our members use their expertise to facilitate ministry programs from the church: worship, member care, education, outreach, social ministry, and property maintenance. Currently the congregation is building a 470 seat sanctuary and plans further expansion of the school and day care.

Good Shepherd is blessed with a wonderful Christian Day School. Good Shepherd Lutheran School provides a Christ-centered environment for learning and development. All of our teachers are Synodically trained. Fourty-five percent of our students come from other churches or have no church background. We view our school as an important witnessing mission. Four years ago we instituted a tuition program for members as well as non-members which is tied to per pupil costs. The Church provides tuition assistance for members.

Our pastoral ministry is especially oriented around preaching, teaching, and visitation. We strive for Biblical accuracy, effectiveness, and clarity. In addition to worship services we conduct a variety of large group and small group Bible studies. Four times a year we teach a nine-week Adult Inquiry class. Our shepherding program is especially important. We visit guests as well as inactive members every Sunday afternoon. We focus very much on the weaker members of our congregation and seek to assist them in their walk of faith.


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