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cat suckling study—the results

5-6. If so, at what age? If not, how old is the cat now and does he/she suckle less than before?
Suckling Feline #1: 7 years old now, suckles much less than he used to.
Suckling Feline #2: He is 2 yrs old. He does not suckle less. He suckles by way of greeting, usually first thing in the morning. It has become a way of bonding for us. I've notice him licking/biting on ears of other cats as well.
Suckling Feline #3: She is about 10 months old - estimated birthday of January. She still suckles my neck almost every night while we cuddle in bed.
Suckling Feline #4: Stopped suckling at 1.5 years of age
Suckling Feline #5: He is 6 months old. He does not suckle less. He likes to suckle early in the morning.
Suckling Feline #6: She is about 7 months old and just had her first batch of kittens yesterday, I'm not sure if she will stop, but she usually goes to suck the dog whenever someone pets her for a long time, she was still doing it a few days ago.
Suckling Feline #7: He was 13 years old when he passed away.
Suckling Feline #8: She is 11 weeks old and suckles no more now than when first brought her home.
Suckling Feline #9:She is about 3 months now and still suckles as much as before.
Suckling Feline #10: He's still only 13 weeks.
Suckling Feline #11: He's 6 months old and he is worse than before.
Suckling Feline #12: 5 months, same amount.

Suckling Feline #13: She is almost 8 mos. she suckles much more than she did before.
Suckling Feline #14: She is 8 months old and continues to suckle her back foot. She does it so much that her fur, which is white, has yellowed on that foot. Also she always sucks the same foot.
Suckling Feline #15: Dewey is 7 mos old and still going strong.
Suckling Feline #16: He is three months old and does not suckle--stopped at 9.5 weeks.
Suckling Feline #17: She's nine months old and suckles just as much.
Suckling Feline #18: She is now 9 months old and suckles frequently.
Suckling Feline #19: He stopped at about 9 months, but he still can not be held on your lap because he will think of suckling and then his salivary glands go out of control and he drools. a LOT. it drips out of his mouth all over you.
Suckling Feline #20: She is a year old now. She rarely does it now.
Suckling Feline #21: 6 years old. He still suckles as much as ever.
Suckling Feline #22: She is a little over a year old and suckles and kneads her paws on you. she started this when she was about 5 month old. She did not do this as a young kitten. She will suck on your hair and skin. We have been trying to discourage, but have had no luck.
Suckling Feline #23: 18 months old, still sucks his "suckie" afghan in his chair before he goes to sleep. Sucking less and less, as he is outside all day, but as soon as he comes in at night he goes right to his chair and if he is disturbed he sucks again until he goes to sleep.
Suckling Feline #24: The cat is now 1 year. She suckles a little less but not much.
Suckling Feline #25: My cat, Ba, is about a year old. She did not suckle at first, it developed at several months old. 
Suckling Feline #26: She does it less than before, but she still does it, she's 5 years old. She seemed to do it the other day when I was thinking about adopting a new kitten or 2, she seemed to understand and felt threatened and started suckling on her brothers arm, both were in my lap. I noticed and reassured her that she would never be replaced and would always be our kitten. she stopped, seemed to understand, and looked at me, then settled down on my chest.
Suckling Feline #27: Cat is deceased. Just suckled occasionally. Most of the time it was too mean to even let you pet it without biting.
Suckling Feline #28: I would guess she was an adult. No longer than a year because as she got bigger her teeth got sharp and she would pinch my neck. So I began discouraging it (plus it was getting tiresome having to wash my hair everyday to get the cat drool out).
Suckling Feline #29: Our Buddy Boy was 8 yrs. old.
Suckling Feline #30: He is 5 and he started about a year ago, and he's been doing it ever since.
Suckling Feline #31: He is now 8 years old! Every once and awhile he will suckle clothing and such but he hasn't in a while.
Suckling Feline #32: He stopped when he was about 12 months old.
Suckling Feline #33: He stopped at 2 mos old. But he still will lick my lips excessively. But does not suck.
Suckling Feline #34: The cat is about 10 months old now. She still suckles, but less than before. She has stopped suckling on my husband and I completely, but I still catch her with the blankie, and a couple times a week she'll nestle up to our Beagle (Pete) and suck on him! (They're buddies, but that's pushing it!)
Suckling Feline #35: 1 year 4 months--probably suckles a little less now is older--but not much--depends on mood of cat!
Suckling Feline #36: She has never stopped...I think probably suckles more now that she is older. She is currently 13.
Suckling Feline #37: He is a little over 1 year and suckles sometimes. It's not an everyday thing anymore.
Suckling Feline #38: She is 1 1/2 yrs. old and does suckle less now.
Suckling Feline #39: He started when he was maybe 1.5-2 years old and he's done it ever since. He's 7 years old now and pretty much needs a daily fix.
Suckling Feline #40: 8 months old, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #41: 2 1/2 years old, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #42: 9 months—suckles same amount
Suckling Feline #43: 12 months old, does suckle less.
Suckling Feline #44: 10 months old, does suckle less.
Suckling Feline #45: 4 years old, does suckle less.
Suckling Feline #46: 14 months old, stopped suckling.
Suckling Feline #47: 1 year, suckles less (2 x month vs. 2 x week)
Suckling Feline #48: 8 months, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #49: 9 months old, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #50: 5 years old, suckles less, but under stress, she needs more.
Suckling Feline #51: A year and a half, suckles less.
Suckling Feline #52: 1 year and 6 months, does not suckle less
Suckling Feline #53: 5 years, suckles less
Suckling Feline #54: 8 months. Binky went from suckling her sister's neck to licking my lips in the morning before I get up to feed them - now licks less but hovers over my lips drooling.
Suckling Feline #55: 8 months. Scout went from suckling her sister's neck to holding onto my hand with her teeth (ouch) and swallowing - like dry suckling.
Suckling Feline #56: 12 years, suckles less.
Suckling Feline #57: About 8 to 8.5 months, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #58: 8 months, same so far.
Suckling Feline #59: 11 months, suckles less.
Suckling Feline #60: Cat is almost seven years old. He hasn't suckled since he was about one year old, but only because his mouth became too big to latch onto my daughter's lip. He still wants to suckle and tries if we let him but he cannot latch on and gets very agitated.
Suckling Feline #61: my cat is almost 3 yrs. old, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #62: 5 years, suckles less, but not much. when I first got her, she would try to suckle on just about every part of my body, now it's generally my arm that she goes for.
Suckling Feline #63: 15 months old, unknown if suckles less (kitten in question was a "fostered" cat, now in placement), but at the time of his placement (about 8 months) he showed no signs of letting up
Suckling Feline #64: 15 months old, sucks more on us than when younger, when she would suckle the fur of our male cat
Suckling Feline #65: 3 years old, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #66: He's about a year and a half, suckles pretty much the same, about every day.
Suckling Feline #67: One year old, unknown if she suckles less.
Suckling Feline #68: One year old, suckles the same amount.
Suckling Feline #69: One year old, he only does it about once a day for a 5 minute session. when we first got him at 9 weeks old, he would suckle and lick and slobber on us 4-5 times a day for 20 minute sessions.
Suckling Feline #70: About a year, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #71: 8 months 1 week, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #72: 8 months, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #73: He died of leukemia at age one, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #74: 2 years, suckles less.
Suckling Feline #75: 3 years, Suckling has decreased to occasional behavior.
Suckling Feline #76: Approximately one year old, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #77: Gone -- was 13 years old when she died; she never completely quit, but rarely did it in her later years.
Suckling Feline #78: five years, suckles less
Suckling Feline #79: 2 years, suckles less
Suckling Feline #80: 2 years, suckles less
Suckling Feline #81: 2 1/2 years, stopped
Suckling Feline #82: two years
Suckling Feline #83: 9 months, stopped
Suckling Feline #84: he stopped by age one
Suckling Feline #85: about 1 year old, Suckles less. The first night i brought him home he started suckling on my neck (giving me tiny hickeys). I couldn't stop him, so I directed him to my earlobe...the one place I can't get a hickey!
Suckling Feline #86: 10 months, does not suckle less.
Suckling Feline #87: 2 years, suckles a little less, but he still suckles every night at bedtime
Suckling Feline #88: 4 years old, does not suckle less. She has always suckled at night, right before she goes to sleep and first thing in the morning when she is waking up
Suckling Feline #89: About one year old, I’d say suckles much more now.
Suckling Feline #90: 3 yrs, does not suckle less

7. Did you let the cat suckle or did you discourage it?

8. If you discouraged suckling, please explain how.

9. Would you say that your cat, outside of the suckling, or previous suckling, is well-adjusted, or does the cat have behavior or emotional problems?