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Driving: It's a
martial art..
Red Ninja Practice & Training
Important driving concepts.. are
easier said than done.. with practice you can do anything you set your mind to.
Keep in mind that concentration is the key. This would probably exclude the
noisy radio, talking friends and drinking/eating in the car. Believe in the word
of the ninja.. if you
exclude those things you can understand more about your car than ever before.
The only noise you should be listening to is your engine. (you'll
also be able to focus on other driver's next moves. Red Ninja has driven everywhere in
california.. orange county, bay area & los angeles.. you'll eventually learn
to adapt and be patient.)
One of the ninja's favorite places to
drive (only attempted at night because of the small road and blind corners (only
the headlights will give away what's around the corner.) up in some random
mountain(the cops even go searching for ninja driving).. dont know if it is possible but
ninja has pushed the car to about 80% of it's limit around those tight spaces.
Ninja had to learn to countersteer, adapt to road hazards(dirt, rocks etc.)
Ninja's GsR really needs
some stiffer suspension. the potential is there.. not like ninja earns more than
rice to purchase adjustable shocks. Luckily ninja's soulmate said he's let ninja
have his
Koni's. JoY!
Hanging onto the U turn freeway
onramps at 50mph much fun. if GsR struggle to break loose from ninja, she
is punished by counter-steer.. ninja wishes to start road
racing.. but must continue to practice the skill. experimenting with shifting weight on
the Integra through
corners. Ninja's soulmate doesn't like to ride in the car when ninja
practices.. soulmate wishes to be in total control of a situation at all times.. so
Ninja drives
like a monkey in the snow so he does not say.. "stop going so fast/slow" ..
"why is Ninja bottoming out?".. Soulmate does not understand that
adding 160lbs extra to daily driver Integra.. is a change that is different that normal
weight distribution and driving setup.. Ninja practices on the long trips to
visit work, school, parents past the sunset and bridge atop big mountain.
You can blame contraption named "Playstation
+ Gran Turismo" for getting Ninja into the rear swing of things.. Ninja used to setup
a "Mugen Integra Type
R" for hardtires/stiff in the rear..and medium in the fronts.. then use the
p-brake instead of the real brake. Ninja grew impatient and wondered if it would
work for in a real Integra.. so follows the story.. eventually it translated over to the real
world. On rare occassions Ninja and GsR used to practice p-brake drifting and
180's on dry pavement and on wet days practice would proceed at the school's parking
lot. it was so much fun. Ninja used the 180 as a finishing celebration
on the uphill 1/4mi against a prelude.. Red Ninja's sister loved it! that was until
Ninja got
lectured about these interesting things called bushings and how they tear and
get all messed up from doing that.. of course that stopped all the fun but it
taught Ninja about skid control... (Now Ninja wants something rear
wheel drive.. a jdm s13)
There are some roads Ninja has memorized. make sure to survey the road before
tackling it. it may take one awhile to memorize the daily route.. but it all becomes a game.. like the drive
home from west LA, the 5 from irvine or san francisco on crowded freeways.. find
the fastest route from point A to B.. but enough about Ninja's thoughts about
driving.. me thinks its time to open your eyes.
p.s. keep an eye on your onramps and all your mirrors..
you know what you're looking for. at a certain speed if it keeps up with you....
its the evil black and white Ninja boss..
Red Ninja reminds you to go before you drive.