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Where Angel Babies Play!

 Ryan Taylor  
Born in to heaven April 5, 1996
In loving memory of our first born son. He was loved deeply and will never be forgotten.

  Kaitlyn Rose  
Born January 20, 1998 & died February 2, 1998
In loving memory of our beautiful little girl. She touched so many hearts that will forever be changed because she was here. She will live in our hearts always.

 Mark Steven  
Born September 23, 1968 & died September 24, 1968
In loving memory of my brother that I was never able to meet on earth, but I know I will meet someday in heaven.

Baby Newman
Born into Heaven October 1990
In loving memory of a little cousin that I will be honored to meet in Heaven!
Love, Kim

 Matthew Lynch 
Son of Bob & Tracy
Born February 5, 1998 & died April 26, 1998
In loving memory of a little boy that was a true fighter. He will always be remembered in the hearts of all who knew him and of him.

 Angel Kaleigh Jane 
Born & died February 7, 1994
I will forever rock you in the cradle of my heart!
Throwing kisses to heaven,
Love, Mommy

 Benjamin Francis Darr 
Born January 16, 1996
Our darling Ben...We love and miss you so much...keep watching over your big sister Hannah and your little sister Bethany...we all visit you often and Daddy and I are waiting (a little impatiently) until we can all be together again. Such a precious boy--I loved watching you breath-you made little "mewing" sounds when you were baptised. Daddy and I watched and held you as you quietly slipped away. We love you! Love, Mommy

 Samuel Pritchard 
Born December 24, 1994 & died March 6, 1996
Samuel was his Mommy and Daddy's "little king!"

 Brooke Carlena
Madison Tayler Carlena Ossowski

These 2 angels were born silent on September 20, 1995
They will never be forgotten by their Daddy, Momma, Seth or Travis!

 Geordi Elizabeth Maybury 
Born September 10, 1993 & died March 8, 1995
Daughter of Paul & Liz
~Webpage was created in loving memory of Geordi by her aunt.

 Jamie Erin Brashear 
This beautiful angel was born silent on April 29, 1997
"Jamie had a great impact on many people, not least her mom & dad.

 Emilee Marie Pruitt
(baby Emmie)
Born into Heaven August 14, 1989

 Alexander H. R. Pruitt
(Baby Alex)
Born into Heaven March 12, 1994

 Robert Owen (Pruitt) Smith
(Baby Owen)
Born into Heaven May 8, 1998

 Derek Alan Thiessen 
Born asleep March 10, 1998
Some people only dream of seeing an angel-we got to hold one in our arms, and we will hold you again one day. Lovingly remembered by his mommy & daddy.
(Lisa & Doug)
 Tommy Laganiere,born & died December 31, 1994 
Charles Laganiere,born & died August 9, 1996
Emile Laganiere,born & died June 6, 1997
We miss you so much & love you always!
Love, Mom & Dad (Nancy & Robert)

 Tshura France-Wagoner  
Born February 27, 1998
Returned to Heaven February 28, 1998
"Such a short time on earth, but forever in our hearts!"
To a special angel in Heaven, we love you.
~Website created by Grandmother in loving memory.

 Taryn Marie Muir 
Daughter of Ron & Tanya
Sister of Jared, Logan & Tayah
Born February 1, 1995
Went to Heaven May 15, 1995
You'll always be our "itty-bitty Princess."
We love you sweet girl! Our arms ache now,
but we will rock you again!
Love Mommy, Daddy, Jared, Logan & Tayah
 Justin David Muir
Went to Heaven on October 18, 1993
Due to 14 week miscarriage
Though we never saw your little face
or held you precious body,
we love you so much
We will see you some day sweet little man!
Love Mommy, Daddy, Jered, Logan & Tayah

Tami's Angels

Savannah Ailis: Born into Heaven March 1991>
Devon Connor:Born into Heaven June 1994
Austin MacKenzie:Born into Heaven July 1995

 Erin Elizabeth Ayrault: Born asleep 3/22/95 
Quinn Michael: Born into Heaven 2/20/96 (lost at 14 weeks gestation)
Little Ones..
Why have you gone..
Someday we will join you
It won't be long
Until then..
Keep everyone up there on the run..
Touch the moon, the stars..
And chase the sun..
Play games with grandma..
And sing a song..
Let her rock you and hold you..
Like our hearts long..
Give everyone a kiss..
And send them our love..
And soon we will see you..
In heaven above..
Written by Mommy 2/20/96

 Twin Angels:Born into Heaven December 31, 1994  
Patrick James Gannon
Born Asleep April 15, 1998
"Fly High Little One, On The Wings Of Our Love."
Mommy & Daddy

 Shane Hebert 
Born 12/3/77 & Died 10/27/97
Shane, Thank you for almost 20 years of love and laughter
and for all the memories,
I treasure each and every one.
Loved you then, Love you now, Love you always.

 Aiden George O'Halloran 
Born Asleep 23rd February 1998
Aiden was born still at 24 weeks...
he almost made it...
and I will never forget holding him
or the feel of his soft skin.
I will love him and miss him eternally.
On this day, six months since I held my precious Angel
I give thanks that I was him mum
and that I was blessed with knowing him
Although such a short time.
Aiden was able to teach me how to love more than I knew possible.
He was and is and always will be my precious baby.
Sending soft Angel Kisses to Heaven
Sammy ^ô^ (Aiden's Mummy)

 Amanda O'Connor 
Born Asleep March 29, 1988
To my precious Mandy, I just want you to know Daddy and Mommy love you very much and we will be together one day. I can't wait for our whole family to be together. I love you and miss you so much.

 Devon Ray Coon 
Born March 23, 1997 & Died March 24, 1997
Devon was born at 9 pounds 2 ounces & 22 inches long.
He became an Angel at almost 12 hours old.
He had TGA and died during the first surgery.

"Dove of Peace"
Born August 25, 1977 & Died October 15, 1993
As long as you lived,
You brought love to my life
And since you've been gone,
That love I do share
In hopes that others will know
What a wonderful treasure
I once held in my arms
And what a wonderful treasure
I hold dear in my heart.
I love you sweetheart.

 Jake Thomas  
Born October 10, 1996 & Died January 4, 1997
Our dear, sweet Jake, Mommy and Daddy
and your big brother Zackary
miss you so much!
We are so very sad
that you are not here with us now,
but we know that you are safe in heaven
until we can all be with you again.

Leroux Angels
 Meagan Nicole born asleep 8/6/93 
Tanner Kyle Leroux born asleep 7/12/94
Konner John born asleep 5/25/95

"We will always love and remember you.
Love, Mommy & Daddy"

 Makenzee Edell Spencer 
The day that we lost you was unbearable.
The twelve hours we held you
were hard on us you see,
Because we knew we could never hold you again.
We think of you often, you still live in our hearts,
the love for you angel will never part.
Love forever and always your Parents.
Remember to wait for us,
our darling little girl, will be with you someday.
Love, Daddy & Mommy

Playland in Paradise

Where do small children soar on winged rocking horses,
and play hopscotch from cloud to cloud?
Where do sweet babies sleep in great great grandfather's arms,
and never once make a tearful sound?
Where do adventurous toddlers explore without ever a fall,
without ever a forbidding, "no no",
Where nothing can hurt and nothing can break,
and nothing's too high or "just for show".
Where picture-filled storybooks stand row upon row,
with no shelves to straighten or dust,
And thousands of aunties and uncles and grandmas read endlessly,
never impatient or rushed.
Where there's never new teeth, nor ones to be pulled,
no sick tummies, scrapped elbows or knees,
No big scary dogs to growl or to bite,
and no stings from buzzing bumble bees.
No nap-time, no spankings, and no lima beans,
no "boo boos", no "uh oh's", no tears,
Just tiny faces wreathed in smiles, high pitched squeals and happy giggles.
and unbound excitement as their favorite time nears.
Storyteller's at hand, and as the Storyteller stands,
amidst all of the laughter and joy,
Little feet scamper to feel His touch
as He embraces each young girl and boy.
After kissing each tiny saint, He sits down among them,
placing a child upon each knee,
And, softly, the Storyteller begins His story with the precious words
"Let the little children come unto me."
By: Rebecca Anne Obregon

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