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You have seen my feet in a large place.
Psalm 31:8


The mention of my child's name
may bring tears to my eyes,
but it never fails to bring
music to my ears.
If you are my friend,
let me hear the beautiful music of her name
it soothes my broken heart
and sings to my soul.
Unknown author

We know that you had tried
when no longer you could hold on
our tears were shed upon you
for no longer could we be strong
but our bond remains unbroken
special memories we have to keep
inside our hearts, forevermore
when you have gone to sleep.
By:Cindy Stevenson, in memory of her son, Michael

Don't forget to entertain strangers,
for by doing some people have entertained
angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2

A Mom's Love
The Angels...singing unto on another,
Can find among their burning terms of Love
None so devotional as that of a "Mom."

Men Do Cry
I heard quite often "men don't cry"
though no one ever told me why
So when I fell and skinned a knee,
no one came by to comfort me.
And when some bully-boy at school
would pull a prank so mean and cruel
I'd quickly learn to turn and quip,
"It doesn't hurt," and bite my lip.
So as I grew to reasoned years,
I learned to stifle my tears.
Though "Be a big boy" it began,
quite soon I learned to "Be a man."
And I could play that stoic role
while storm and tempest wracked my soul.
No pain or setback could there be
could wrest one single tear from me.
Then one long night I stood nearby
and helplessly watched my son die.
And quickly found, to my suprise,
that all that tearless talk was lies.
And still I cry, and have no shame,
I can not play that "big boy" game.
And openly, without remorse,
I let my sorrow take its course.
So those of you who can't abide
a man you've seen who's often cried,
reach out to him with all your heart
as one whose life's been torn apart.
For men Do cry when they can see
their loss of immortality.
And tears will come in endless streams
when mindless fate destroys their dreams.
By:Ken Falk

Precious in God's Eyes
The lily only lasts a day
but God creates it anyway.
All that work to make a flower
then it's gone, it had its hour.
Even though your baby died,
he is still precious in God's eyes.
Your child came and made his mark
he changed your life and touched your heart.
Upon his death, to heaven he soared.
Here for a moment, now with the Lord.
By:Gail Fasolo, in memory of Dylan Markulakis

One Special Rose (Remembering Mia)
One precious tiny rose
sent to bloom in the garden of our hearts;
To us she was the most beautiful baby girl,
born so delicate yet so still.
With grace she touched our lives,
Though with us only for a moment.
Amd the sharpest thorn could not produce the pain
so great as not having her here to hold.
Yet always she will be held dear;
for a seed of love was planted
on the day she came to be--
One so strong that neither time nor season
can take away.
In God's presence she now blossoms--
Our Mia, our special rose.
But her sweet fragrance is etched forever in our minds;
and ever more she will be a rosebud
in the garden of our hearts.
By:Jana M. Spigener-in memory of Mia Karlet Vallone

The Littlest Angel
My heart is full of such pain
My eyes constantly pouring like the rain
You were such a perfect beautiful little girl
One that deserved so much more
On that awful morning I had no choice
But to let you go without your voice
If I could take back what was done
In my arms we would be one
You are such a brave little angel...
Now with your wings in heaven above
May you my darling look down and see
How very special and dear you are to me
As I try and go on without you now
I really can not see how
For I will forever wonder what would have been
My daughter, my life, my friend...
May God hold you in his arms
May his love comfort you and protect you from harm
For one day we will be together
Living and loving on another forever...
By:Michele A Shelton-In memory of Alexi

I am Still her Mother
In a baby castle, just beyond my eye
My baby plays with Angel toys that money can not buy.
Who am I to wish her back into this world of strife?
No, play on my baby, you have eternal life.
At night when all is silent and sleep forsakes my eyes,
I'll hear her tiny footsteps come running to my side.
Her little hands caress me so tenderly and sweet,
I'll breathe a prayer and close my eyes and embrace her in my sleep
Now I have a treasure I rate above all other,
I have know true glory-I am still her mother.
Unknown author


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