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Pictures of My Barracks Window

Drake Kaserne, Frankfurt am Main

I lots of times have done countdowns when I was going somewhere else (and I knew it). When I had worked at Jewel, I had the countdown to active Army duty on my name-tag; they made me take it off after awhile. In Germany, I posted my 'T-minus [number] of days and nights' that I had left before leaving the country, posted them on my window. For the last ten days or so, I attached little rhymes to them. Here's a sampling of those.

Sunrise onto Drake Kaserne, from the window of my barracks room

The Countdown

The caboose drawing is made up of sixteen sheets of regular paper. That's about the only way I could draw something that big without screwing it up. After returning from Germany and taking some more leave time, I would be headed for the 101st Airborne Division in Kentucky/Tennessee.

One quickie sidebar I'd like to relate: We had Polish displaced workers on our base, and they ate at our mess hall. Because I knew German by my second year, I went and talked to them. They could speak some, and I mentioned my grandparents being from Lithuania. Then I said, "Eine Zeit kommt, Wieder Frei!" They kind of looked at me like I had just said the most unbelievable thing. But this was 1987, and changes were happening (though we didn't know about them then) at that same time.

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