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Pictures of My High School Days

DuPage County, Illinois

Most of these pictures are the latter part of high school, as I had no camera until then (or used it little, except for outdoor pictures of whatever, like trains), and the family didn't take so many pictures back then. I barely made it out of high school. I wanted to drop out. In fact, I almost dropped out my senior year because I told a teacher where-to-go and lost the credit (one-eighth) for that class. My counselor, however, convinced to take a summer course and be on my diplomatic way.

The 53 Bridge at the Chicago Great Western railway

Love this caterpillar. I have no idea who painted it, probably Chris and Eve, huh. I wanted to get a picture of it before some dork ruined it, which, of course, eventually did happen. (But it lasted quite a while, unadulterated.) When this picture was taken, the rails were there, but no longer. This is now the Great Western Trail.

Chris and Sean on the C&NW

This is Chris, a friend of my sister's. There were a bunch more of us on this train. We met up with Chris at a rock concert on Navy Pier — she had gotten separated from my sister and was lost, so she hung with us boys for the way home.

We all didn't have enough money to get home, so we tried sneaking into a closed railcar and got caught just after this picture was taken. Yet the conductor was rather understanding about the mess we were in after we explained it to him.

Pool Jumpin'

This is my friend Rick's cousin from Boston. A bunch of us went on the pool hop one hot summer's night, and I just happened to have the camera along.

The Schwinn-Mobile

Like a lot of teenagers, I got around on a bicycle most of the time — even when I could drive, as the parents put restrictions on us as to when/where we could drive. Must admit, though, I didn't need P.E. Class (though I took Phys. Training anyhow) as much as some; I got plenty of exercise on a bike. Walked a lot too.

The Rail Buds

Here are Nils, Lars, Charles, and (maybe) Tony behind Charles. We spent a lot of time on the railroad tracks and at other "kool places" like quarries, scrap yards, rivers and others. Here we're at the junction of two railroads and a river. Nils catches a little refreshment.

End of an Era

This, if you can believe it, was my graduation picture. When I went to get it taken, the school official said, "What? No Suit?" I said no. She tried to persuade me to re-make another appointment. I told her to just get it taken right then because I wasn't coming back. So this is it.

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