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Welcome to the Solace Home Page. Solace is an internet Role-Play room owned and run by Onyx and Mystic Chylde.
Solace itself is a large castle in New Orleans. It is limestone, with turrets and so forth, about three stories high, with a creepy basement. On the first floor, there is the bar and meeting area. The bar is self-serve, except on those rare days when someone is tending bar. There is a fireplace, several couches and low tables, a dining area with tables, chairs, booths, etc. There is also a balcony. Behind the bar, there is a huge, fully functional kitchen. There is also a bathroom, in the fullest sense of the word: a place with showers as well as toilets and sinks. There are also bedrooms on the second floor. Many a weary travelor, whether Vampire, Elvish, Mortal, or otherwise, have spent a restfull time there. There also is a swimming pool.
Now, maybe you don't know how to role play? Basicly, you need a character. What do I mean by character? I mean you need to pick a role, and play it. Are you a man, woman, vampire, elf, human, wolf, jukebox, etc? Try to think up some defining characteristics, some habits, etc. Enter the room. Talk to people.
Now, who will you be playing WITH? By far the most vocal players are those who play Vampire: the Masquerade. For info on the system and the vampire clans, I suggest you check out Gorecrow's page. She has weeded through the internet to dig up the very best pages on each clan. Here is a page about V:tM on the whole, not just the clans. Other characters, however, are based on Dungeons and Dragons, or other role play systems. For instance, there are Iliessa's Blood Angels. There is also The Pack, a group of were wolves.
Further bits about Role Play...
If you choose to follow an established system, please, follow the system. Don't improvise unless you are VERY comfortable with it, and know what you are doing. Trust me. A lot of people in the room will jump you for details. Be sensible! It is more challanging, and a lot more fun, to play a weak character and build it up than it is to jump in with a god-like character. If you choose to make up your own system, then PLEASE balance your character's good points with its bad points. What's the fun in playing if you never risk anything? Make sure your character has weaknesses. It really adds to the game! Finally, if your character gets killed, it's NOT the end of the world. Sit back, take a breath, and start over with a new character. Lawren has gone through about 30+ characters in his time playing with us. It's just a game, and it's supposed to be fun.
Now, you might be asking yourself, who are these people? Vampires and Elves and WereWolves! wtf?? Solace started out about three years ago, on Chrysalis, as Vampyre Chat. It then moved to BeSeen and became known as Zee's Vampyre Bar. However, Zee went on a banning spree for reasons unknown to most concerened, and now her room stands empty. Scattered to the winds, we slowly gathered at Solace, sponsered by Onyx and Mystic. Ain't they swell? The players have been playing together from 3 years in some cases, to only a few weeks or days in others. visit our archived Homepages.