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             Plot Boosters

          copyright 1998 by Karen L. Erickson

                These ideas will enhance student writing, and
              understanding of story.  Students will learn through
              doing to "spotlight" author's techniques in writing, and
              to be able to "predict" what technique an author might
              use in order to create an interesting plot.

    1.    Find Something: Explore "it" (using the 5 senses)
            "Do something" with it!

    2.    Lose Something

    3.    A stranger arrives...

    4.    Receive a letter...

    5.    Write a letter...

    6.     Learn a secret:...Keep it!

    7.     Learn a secret...Tell it!

    8.    Face "trials" in order to:
            a.  learn something
            b.  go somewhere
            c.  get something

    9.    Journey away from "home" and have to find your way back:
            a.  through time
            b.  through space
            c.  through other dimensions

    10.   Be visited by supernatural beings (animal, vegetable, alien)

    11.   Sing a song about how you feel or what you see/know

    12.   Dance a dance about how you feel or what is going on

    13.   Try several ways to solve a problem:
            a.  Try #1 fails
            b.  Try #2 fails, etc.
            c.   Try #____ succeeds! How?!

    14.    You think something/someone is one thing...and it turns
             out to be different!

    15.   Receive a gift

    16.   Take something

    17.   Change a mind

    18.  Comic scene in a comic story

    19.  Serious scene in a comic story

    20.  Overhear a conversation that gives new information

    21.  Fall in love

    22.  Flashback(s)

    23.  Messenger arrives

    24.  Dream something

    25.  Now think of some of your own!

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