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                         IntroductionExample ImagePurpose: Welcome to Broadway!!!   The purpose of this teaching unit is to introduce 2nd (through 4th graders) to the World through the eyes of a "Broadway Kid".   Broadway kids travel across the country, and sometimes to other countries, to bring their special talents to each of us where we live.

  Because of Broadway's Annie, many children will have the opportunity to empathize with, and perhaps identify with, an orphan who turns out to be a real survivor!  Annie never forgets her other orphan friends when Daddy Warbucks rescues her from the evil Miss Hannigan, she makes sure that they are taken care of as well!
When Annie finds an orphaned dog on the streets, she doesn't turn her back on him either.  She adopts the dog and gives him a name, Sandy.  Sandy never leaves Annie's side throughout all of her ordeals.
      Not only is the plot to Annie one that empowers children, but the idea that today's children are out there performing on stage as disciplined professionals shows us that we can all succeed in the world, and that even children can have strength, power, and a positive voice in the world.  Hopefully our children can find a role model in the kids of Broadway who use their talents to make our world a better place!  That's why we are going with those Broadway Kids, to see the world that they see, experience school on the run, and express our own voice through discovery and friendship!
  Audience! LanguageArts    Mathematics       Science  Social Studies   Fine Arts
  Teachers  Objectives   Objectives   Objectives  Objectives   Objectives
  Students   Activities   Activities   Activities   Activities   Activities

For Online "Annie Reading Quiz" Click on!

For Chicago Public Schools Instructional Intranet, Click on!

To have your "School Play" auditioned and broadcast on Chicago Access Cable:
e-mail: Dana Stovall-Wint (Dept. of Learning Technologies, CPS, mail run 125):
            GOOD LUCK!

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Example Image    Key Experiences: Goals
Since actual learning involves a complex interaction with the environment, as well as activation of "brain cues", the Broadway tour experience helps the learner to access different modes of learning, because Annie appeals to a variety of senses.

Content Areas                                      Summary of Lessons

Social Studies:   Because the concepts of "city", "state", and "country" are difficult
Student Activities         classification skills to acquire, simply because it is impossible to
for Social Studies          provide the "real" representation of these items, a virtual Broadway
                                                tour can enhance the "sign" and "symbol" aspects of traveling to
Objectives for                  another state, and its cities, by providing experience with problem
teachers(S.S.)                 solving and learning to gather information.  The more information
                             students gather about  the city Annie is performing in, the greater
                             the opportunity is for internalizing the concepts of cities and states.

                             For more information about Social Studies Objectives and Goals,
                             click on "Objectives for teachers(S.S.)".

State Goals for:             The State Goals for Learning Social Studies ,
 Social Studies              which include transportation, communication,
                            geography, and history...
                            will all be met through active learning experiences.  For more
                            information, click on "State Goals for Social Studies".

Mathematics:     The State Goals for Learning Math  include measuring,
Student Activities         comparing, adding, subtracting, problem solving, telling
for Math                               time, using money, tables, and graphs,
                                                and will all be met through everyday life experiences
Objectives for                  with our tour of Broadway.

State Goals for Math       Click on the Activities, Objectives, or State Goals for more

Language Arts:    Through Annie, and the inquiry-based discussion methods for     Student Activities for       analyzing the elements of the story, students will determine
 Language Arts                    why the plot is so compelling, determine the main
                                ideas, create cartoon strips, including characters, setting,
Objectives for                       first & second event, and ending, organize the information logically
Teachers(Lang. Arts)       and sequentially, use word analysis strategies for comprehension,
                                and respond to story through writing, reading, listening, and
State Goals for
Language Arts                     Click on to Activities, Objectives, or State Goals for more

Science:             The State Goals for Learning Science will be met through
Student Activities          gathering information about weather in each city that is toured,
 for Science                      and learning about Sandy and his basic needs, characteristics,
Objectives for                   and life cycle, and about different ways to measure with volume
Teachers (Science)      through Miss Hannigan's recipes, and also the kind of environment
                                                Annie lived in during the Great Depression.  For more information,
State Goals for Sci.       Click on Activities, Objectives, or State Goals.

Fine Arts:            Because affective development naturally enhance learning, and
 Fine Arts Activities      provides easy access to learning style cues, drama, music,
                             creative art, and dance ideas will be suggested.

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• Parents, Families, Friends!

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It's the Hard-Knock Life for Us!

• "Off-Broadway" Themes

• Other Broadway Plays for Adapting Activities

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Teacher & Tutor pages

•  Bibliography

•More Children's Literature & Ideas for Theme Teaching!

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This page last updated on April 17th, 1999.


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