Random political thought
Movie Reviews

About Me

David's Wedding
This picture is of me and my brother at his wedding. I am the one to the right in the dark grey tuxedo, and he is in white. My brother, in the white tuxedo, is the most wonderful person in the world, especially if he never wears that particular tuxedo again. The little boy is David's nephew in-law. My brother is in Japan with his family, serving his nation in the US Air Force. He's a great guy and I miss him a lot.

I have been working for the past 4 years as a computer programmer, which is a great job and enjoyable as far as work goes. It is far superior to my former profession of being a waiter in a restaurant. (See page of complaints regarding that...) There are always new things to learn when you work in Information Technology.

My interests include poetry, basketball, movies, and reading. I consider my best qualities to be honesty and intelligence. My worst quality is my impatience. Please read my poetry and critique it if you have the time, I love to hear what people think about it!

big wheel race
Here is my brother and two of my friends, in 1981, I think. We had a race at our church. Tricycles, Bicycles, etc. I wonder if they remember?

Yes, Kris and Kristel, that's you.

Lifechain 2000
This one was taken in Sept. 2000. This is me and my mother at Lifechain, which is a prayer rally that takes place either near a major road, or, in this case, in front of a place where abortions take place. My Mom looks so mad in this picture...she's really a nice person though.

Art Institute Chicago

Some wonderful art from the Art Institute of Chicago

More pictures:

My friend's son and me (2004)
Deborah's haircut (2004)
Deborah and Jonathan (2004)
Picture of David's family (2004)
My cat Nienor jumping (2004)
Sunset in Oak Lawn (large) (2003)
New Orleans, Bourbon Street (2003)
Nienor as a kitten (2003)
My niece and nephew. (2003)
Picture of my brother's family. (2001)
Pictures from San Francisco (2000)
Netherlands missions trip. (2000)
Me and 2 of my best friends. (2000)
Me and my Star Wars toy. (1978)

Top Notch Grievances