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undefined Mabon

Mabon, like Ostara, is a celebration of balancing. Mabon is the Autumnal equinox where the day and night are equal in hours. This sabbat celebrates the darkening of the year. The Goddess is in her Crone aspect and the God is preparing to pass on. This day marks the second harvest but without the sun filled fan fare of Lughnasadh. Mabon is still about celebrating and giving thanks to the Earth's bounty, however it is also a time for balance and contemplation. Like Ostara, Mabon encourages one to evaluate the balance in one's life. Contemplate on those things that need to be balanced, raise energy, and work to settle and fix those imbalances. Mabon, unlike Ostara, is a more somber sabbat. It celebrates the beginning of the dark half of the year and embraces an introspective manner that harmonizes with the quietness of the coming season. Mabon colors include: brown, orange, maroon, forest green, violet and gold. Incense and oils to use on this day are: myrrh, sage, apple and patchouly.

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