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Midsummer celebrates the summer solstice. It is this day that there is the most sunlight. It represents the Goddess heavy with child in her mother aspect. Her abundance is clear in nature around us. The Earth is green and bountiful, the sun bright and a languishing feel of long lazy days and the power of nature. Midsummer is a time to infuse yourself with that power and to eliminate the energy draining thoughts and actions you may have. Midsummer has long history of being a sabbat to do purification rituals and classic energy raising techniques (Jennifer Hunter's "21st Century Wicca" is a great book for describing such techniques.) Midsummer is also called Litha or Gathering Day and colors associated with Midsummer are: red, gold and especially green. Incense & oils to use on this sabbat are: lavendar, orange, lemon, cinnamon, and mint.

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