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undefined Ostara

Ostara marks the first day of spring. It is a day with equal hours of light and dark. Ostara is also called the Vernal equinox. This sabbat is a celebratory day of the Goddess in her maiden aspect. She's full of life, animation, joy and fertility. The Earth around her is ripening and coming to fruition. This represents a time of change, a time to improve upon yourself. Any self healing or self awareness rituals should be done on this day, as well as strengthening rituals to help yourself adjust to change. Ostara is a sabbat for self improvement and balancing. If you're feeling unbalanced, Ostara is the perfect sabbat to do energy work to find your balance again. Pastel colors are associated with Ostara and incense & oils to use are: jasmine, violet, rose, magnolia, sage, orange and strawberry.

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