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undefined Samhain

Samhain is Wicca's New Year. It celebrates the ending and beginning of the year and the God. The God passes into the otherworld to become the seed for its own rebirth. The Goddess reigns as Crone and the darkness increases. Samhain has long been referred to as the day when the spiritual and physical worlds are aligned. Samhain is a time of remembrance and acknowledgment of life altering, life affirming, or loss that has occured thoughout the past year as well as remembering loved ones who have passed on to the otherworld. It's a time to face fears and raise energy for protection. It's also a time for reflection of what has been learned thoughout the year and turning negative expeiences into something gained by learning. Samhain is a somber sabbat, however the physical act of love is more powerful on this sabbat than on Beltane. Making love on Samhain is a powerful way to honor life when in the face of death. Samhain is also a sabbat for divination and ritual work, since the veil between the worlds is thin, it helps us to better connect with Earth energy and the spiritual plane. Samhain is also known as the Day of the Dead, All Saint's Eve, and Halloween. Remember that the sabbat begins the sundown of the day before. Colors associated with Samhain are: black, orange, red and brown. Incense and oils to use are: frankincense, basil, clove, lilac, camphor and ylang-ylang.

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