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Winter Warfare 2000 Images
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•Pictures for the PPV Winter Warfare 2000-

The Tag Match

Fiend and Sonny, part of the new IOV, get a huge win and gain the Tag Titles. Here they are pinning Prof Palp and Elephant Man.

Sonny Ono plants Elephant Man with a DDT.

Sonny performs his finisher, the Pearl Harbor Plunge, onto The Elephant Man.

Sonny lays into Elephant Man with the Wet Floor sign he stole from Wendy's.

Fiend nails Prof Palp with a 3/4 turn neckbreaker, while Sonny taunts Elephant Man.

The TV Title Match

LSD performs a standing legdrop while the Elephant Man's down.

The person flying through the air is LSD, after Elephant Man delivers a HUGE double underhook suplex late in the match.

You don't see many Elephants fly, but Elephant Man is famous for his Guillotine Leg Drop off the ladder.

For some reason, LSD loves the Pump Kick, and here he is hitting a nice one off the ladder.

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