Name: Greg St.Louis
Birthdate: 1/13/86
Job on Webpage: Website Producer, Designer, and Manager
Favorite part of Web Page: Constellations
Comments: It was fun and I learned a lot more about HTML. Part of it was frustrating because one wrong symbol in your HTML script messes up the whole page.
Name: Nitin Yerram
Birthdate: 8/12/86
Job on Webpage: Researcher and Writer of Mythology. Co-producer and Co-designer of page.
Favorite part of Web Page: Myths
Comments: It was hard to find the information for the page and to write the stories but it was fun.
We would like to thank Edith Hamilton and W.H.D. Rouse for their wonderful books on Mythology which helped us on our project. We would like to give an especially big thanks to Roy Gallant for his wonderful book that gave us all of our information on the constellations. We would like to thank Mrs. Warke, our Language Arts teacher, for the direction and help she gave us. We also thank everyone else who helped us.