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The Trial of the Individual Mind


How dare I?
You stand there,
Pairing my name with obscenities,
Calling me criminal,
Condemning words dripping from you lips
Like blood from the mouth of a predator.
Dangerous? Ha!
Yes! How dare I think for myself!
How dare I look beyond stereotypes!
Take me away!
Let me rot in a cell for my crimes!
Ignorant fool that I am,
Accuse me then! I laugh!
Trod upon my name!
Make your accusations!


I do here confess
To the following crimes.
I am an individual,
A non-conformist,
A loner.
I disagree with you,
So condemn me.
I admit to seeing beauty
In those who do not
Rival Helen or Aphrodite.
I have opinions and desires,
Dreams and wishes, that
Belong to none but me.
I am guilty. Imprison me!
I hereby refuse legal council,
And choose to represent myself
In this court of manners and high fashion.
I plead insanity,
For clearly, I must be insane,
So mock me for it!
I shall never be moved,
And I will not be swayed,
For I am myself,
So I confess.


I see you staring.
All eyes upon me.
I will meet your eyes.
But you look away. Why?
I see you,
Yes, you, who accused me,
Forced me to endure
An unprovoked attack.
Do you fear me?
Do you hate me?
Do you envy me?
I speak, stating again,
Words already once recorded.
What else can I say?
I will not be led through life!
So I confess,
And now, I look to all of you.
Decide quickly.
I feel my time growing short.


Cool and confident.
Yes, I see it in your eyes.
Each of you,
Called upon to judge me.
So, you have made your decision,
Unanimous and certain?
As always, you share a single mind.
I can see you condemning me.
Was there no doubt?
You try my patience.
Tell me!
Tell me I am guilty!
Confirm to me your belief
That I endanger your precious society!
My mind is screaming at you,
Say it now!
A murmur.


And now I am alone.
Perhaps I have always been as such.
How foolish I was
To think that a spark of individuality
Could shine for even a second
In a world of such conformity
Without being stomped out.
And for all you've done to me,
I can only pity you.
You, the accuser, the judge, and the jury.
You, one of many, a fraction of the whole,
Yes, indeed, I was foolish
To think that you could understand me,
And now I am alone,
And my thoughts go in circles.