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Nikki's Library

The Library was last updated on December 14, 2000.

You enter a brightly lit room. On the far wall hangs a small wooden sign carved with the word "Poetry". Below the sign, the wall is lined with shelves containing a number of both typed and hand-written manuscripts. A cross-stitched sampler hung near the shelves reads:

"It takes courage to look inside yourself...and even more courage to write it for other people to see." -Benjamin Sisko

On a nearby desk, rests an old quill pen and a bottle of ink. A laptop also resides on the desk, as well as what appears to be the final copies of some short stories. A comfy-looking chair sits under a tall reading lamp. A warm voice addresses you.

"You are welcome to stay and read some of my work. And please, feel free to tell me what you think of it.

My Short Stories





My Poetry

By Nikki Blight

Child's Dreams Clouds Something is Coming...
Dearest Love The Darker Side of Fate Demagogue
The Dragon's Lair To Dream Is To Be Heart
The Human Mind Inspiration of Imagination Life's Path
It Matters Not To Me A Monotone Lullaby To Fight the Moon
Nightfall Ongoing Escape Passage of Time in a Wasteland
A Picture of Life When Will the Poets Sing? Random Fantasy
Sailing Seconds The Stream
Sunset Winds Oh My Sweet One The Woman
Still I Walk Alone And When I Wake I Am the Outcast
U.S. - 1998 How Long Meditation
Heritage The Trial Of the Individual Mind Lead Me Forth
"Adieu, Adieu, Adieu-" Meditations on the Edge of Sight Pretty One, Pretty One
The Storm Death of Words Silenced Song
The End Thoughts on a Highway Come To Me
Summoned to the Storm Dark Lady Dancer in a Daydream
Enemy Mine Chorus of the Day Call of the Queen of the Night
Of Single-mindedness and Song Madness To Know it All
The Journey The Craft The Eagle
Moonlight Dance Child in the Midst of Fate Look to Like
Waking Dream Untitled Of the Lion's Love

If you like, I will show you the way to a different room...

The Map Room
Nikki's Room
The Rec Room
The Hall of Doors
The Menagerie

All works contained on this site copyright Nikki Lynn Blight 1997-2000.