Red earth
Red flowers
The red blood
That flowed
To build
This red country
...Oklahoma.~~C. Lindquist, 1990

This poem is the first one I had ever written.

"A Plea for Help"
It's the perfect world, though I'm here all alone.
All my needs are satisfied; a heartbeat close to me
Throbbing steadily, strongly, calmly, reassuringly...
I love you, mama.
Something is wrong; I can sense it.
The heartbeat I rely on
Beating frantically, quickly, weakly, frightening...
I'm scared, mama.
Something foreign invades my perfect world,
Scraping me from my life-source.
I hurt thoroughly, painfully, wrongfully, dying...
Help me mama...
Don't let me die before I'm even born...please?
~~C. Lindquist, 1989

This next poem is, obviously, inspired by the Pink Floyd classic "The Wall"
"The Wall"
I'm not proud of it
Even though I built it myself.
There are no faults, perfectly constructed.
Nothing can get in,
No breaks in my wall.
I receive no emotion.
My face is blank.
No true sight is in my eyes.
I'm not even truly here.
None can get inside
Behind these imagined walls of steel.
But even as nothing can get in,
I cannot get out.
It's my fault.
I built the wall too strongly.
I lost contact with the world.
I lost control of my mind.
I am blank.
I am emotionless.
I don't exist.
~~C. Lindquist, 1990

"Letter of Surrender"
Art thou most elated with thineself now?
Thou has bested me in this final battle.
Ere long, I had sensed this victory,
Thy sweet revenge hast cast me asunder.
I, the last of my noble calling,
Have bid a grudging retreat.
Thy wicked and twisting ways
Hath made me lose honor and her friendship.
My fellow knight-at-arms was beaten,
Though he fought most bravely.
I am now alone, outnumbered.
The method of thy fighting be most dishonorable.
Aye, I leave this field of battle,
And leave to you the spoils of our war
I hath fought for so long to protect and
Hath turned against me so.
Aye, tis mine regret that thou hatest me.
Tis mine folly...and my weakness.
Thou hast stolen what I had left.
Sadness of memory be mine, and
Sweet revenge be thine, but remember:
The sweet turns to bitter if taken too much.
Beware thineself, be on thy guard,
For thy own self be thy greatest enemy.
~~C. Lindquist, 1990

Firmly grounded, my mind lost at sea,
Thoughts of the past colouring the
Grey, cold world an intense
Spectrum of colours, flickering and shifting
So that no hue is left unlit on the
Canvas of winter snows.
I dream while awake,
Dreaming of having the power to
Fly on wings lifted by the salty winds
Of the ocean that separates my mourning heart
From the reason for my mourning.
In my dreams, I confront my fears
And tear them apart with my talons of steel,
Yet joy still eludes my grasping
Fingertips, leading me on to
Destinations unknown far from
Me, from what I know, so I
Continue on in hopes of one day
Catching the answers to my prayers,
Clutching that prism which will make
My life vibrant colour again
Instead of black and white.
~~C. Lindquist, 1995

It already seems as if ages have passed,
Though I knew the time we had wouldn't last.
The thoughts of you run through my mind
Like sands in an unending glass and keep no time...
Feelings, thoughts, times we shared,
The times I realized how much we cared.
All this fills me with longing sighs
For the union we had that held no lies.
I wish we could have developed together
A deeper companionship that shone brighter and better.
Alas, for perfection in something cannot be sought,
Such high a star cannot be bribed or bought.
Passing years will change us with each tolling bell,
For better, for worse, only time can tell.
I write this in your memory,
For the friendship you did lend to me.
The void inside me will fill as heal I do,
For I have given that part of my soul freely to you.
~~C. Lindquist, 1994

"Ode to a Country Boy"
Your simple ways,
Your lazy days
Draw me into your world...
Wings of freedom unfurled.
The pressures of my city life
Gladly given up to be your wife,
Living near a fertile field,
Watching the land give yeild,
To the essence of the earth.
A fire reflecting our mirth
As we while the night away,
A cocoon of love where we lay.
Speaking with our eyes in silence,
Leaving the world to its violence...
Cozy, safe in your embrace,
Placing soft kisses on your face.
You are my earth, my sky, my sun.
With each passing day, we become one.
~~C. Lindquist, 1993

This poem is dedicated to Richard Fogle, Sarah Llewellyn, and Dianna Rogers, three good friends of mine from years gone by. It is about a night before Rich left for the Army, Dianna moved away, and Sarah got married. I drove Sarah's car (I did this a lot before I got my license), picked up Dianna, then picked up Richard, who was then (and somehow still is now) the object of my unrequited love. I ran a stop sign (he was wearing "Eternity" and I paid more attention to that and not on my driving), accidentally drove around in the slums, and finally went to a nearby park to say our good-byes. This is probably the best poem I have ever written.
"A Night to Remember"
It was a cool summer breeze
That touseled our hair
As we sailed into the star-filled sky
That night near the close of August.
The four of us left our worries behind
And regained our childhood
As we played on the swings
That launched us up like a rocket
Then down to the ground again,
But never quite touching before
Swinging back high into the air.
We each had our own thoughts,
We really didn't talk much.
We just acted like children
And laughed...and sometimes sang.
And as we tired of the swings,
(As children are wont to do)
We sat in a circle on the sand
And listened to the drunken conversation
Of vacuum cleaners and laughed.
Being late as it was,
We all really had to get home
And reassume our real lives,
So we left the park, not looking back
On that night of forgotten memories.
All that was left was the slow-moving swings
Used now only by phantoms of childhood dreams,
A sand snake and a sand shark
Forever pitted against each other
But never close enough to fight
Slowly being worn away back
Into the shapeless sand they were born of,
A distant echo of laughter and song...
And four sets of footprints
Leading off into the night.
~~C. Lindquist, 1990

"A Place"
I sit here all by myself
Alone with my thoughts.
I wonder at the trees and sky,
Breathe the flowers' scents,
I dangle my feet
In the slow moving stream below me,
Calming me in its motion.
This is my place.
It's where I come
When things aren't right...
When I feel that
I can't stand the madness
Surrounding the world today.
Here I am at ease,
And I can see much clearer.
Here I ponder,
The wonders I see,
The things not known,
The things I want to be,
The way my life is going...
It's a place of my thoughts
My hopes,
My dreams.
~~C. Lindquist, 1990

Here is a poem that I wrote just this morning (6/21/98) as an observation of the wedding between Julie, my old college roomate, and Tom (a great guy and perfectly suited for Jules). I hope their lives together will be as joyous and exciting as that day. *smiles* I love ya's both!
"At Last"

This poem is dedicated to GypsyElf, arabesque, marionette, and hawk.
Her L/loves are now Complete,
United in Heart and Soul.
Forever remaining as One,
Tending T/their Garden,
Making It grow in Beauty,
Ever Blooming, Ever Light...
Defending Its Splendour,
Reveling in T/their Joy,
Partaking in T/their Passions,
Always Together in One Home...
Complete at last.
~~C. Lindquist, 1998

"The Fight"
The two young boys stood toe to toe,
Their eyes blazing with the passions of youth
And the fire of hot blood and hotter tempers...
Their fists clenched at their sides,
Knuckles white with fury.
"You better take that back!" one shouted.
"You'll have to make me," the other retorted.
"Oh, I'll make you alright," the first sneered
And shoved the other away.
The indignant boy retaliated,
Charging the other, fists flying...
And so the fight began,
The onlookers cheering on the combatants.
Two fists connected with two eyes,
And both fell to the ground,
Breathless and in pain....
They've been best friends ever since.
~~C. Lindquist, 1994

We can tell each other anything at all.
Our joys, our downfalls are shared.
We help each other all we can,
And if we can't, we always listen.
I hold you in the highest regard for this.
You keep all my secrets faithfully.
My confidence in myself has risen
Because you were there to confide in.
~~C. Lindquist, 1990

"The Nature of Things"
Here I sit on the bank of my river,
Lying in the grass, hands under my head,
The sky above, a turquois stone,
The ground below, fragrant of ages,
The trees, homes to elves and faeries,
The river so pure and full of life,
Myself, so confused of where I fit
In this scene of royal grandeur.
As I look dreamily at the sky,
As I breathe the fragrance of ages,
As I listen to the wind in the trees,
As I see all that has passed in the river,
I realize I am a part of it all:
The vast expanse of sky,
The earth, root of all beginnings,
The ancient magic of the trees,
The history of the world in the water...
They are a part of me
As I am a part of them
When I sit on the bank of my river.
~~C. Lindquist, 1990

"Casting the Spell"
The candles are lit
One by One...
I sit in the
And open the Book...
The drawing, the name, the signs
are all right...
I close my eyes and summon
the powers that be...
The candlelight dims, flames flicker
In drafts that do not exist...
A thickness hangs in the air,
I know They hear my Prayer...
Invisible flames char the edges of the paper,
the name burns through...
The spell is cast.
~~C. Lindquist, 1995

"The Eagle"
I watch Him command the skies
From My perch far below,
His keen eye and adept wings
Capture My eye and deepest
He is Strength personified,
Thunder in flesh,
The very nature of Might.
All others pale in comparison
To Him.
He is a fierce Hunter,
A brave Fighter,
The master Pilot of the air,
And dedicated to protect
What is His.
He is Challenge and Courage,
Wonder and Wisdom,
Integrity and Independence,
Truth and Teacher,
Home and Heart...
And He loves Me.
~~~Catherine R. Lindquist~~~
November 21, 1998

"The Pillon"
The pillon --
Its wooden shanks
In up to its neck
In the brackish water
Of the tide pool.
The sluggish tide
Slides past its
Stirring the
Attached to it.
This lifeless wooden beam
Provides food, shelter,
And stability for
Its residents --
But as the tide rolls away,
It becomes a trap
Set by the sun
And the receding waters.
For the life on this beam,
The safe world becomes smaller
And drier.
The strongest and most
Flee to whatever
Safety they can find.
The rest are doomed
On the pillon's surface...
And still the water goes.
The sun is high and hot --
The water is long gone.
The life is burning
Left exposed to the harsh heat
And are drying...dying.
I want to feel their pain,
But the pillon does not feel.
Not feeling is easier.
Without feeling,
There is no pain.
There is nothing
Except for the pull
Of the tide,
The heat of the sun,
The passage of years
Until you are worn to
Uncaring, unaware
Of what you may have been
Or never were.
~~Cathy Lindquist
"Will our Paths Ever Cross Again"
I've lost sight of who I am meant to be.
I am falling into a cycle of less than I am.
I find myself aiding the wrong sort of people
And keeping company with those that are not right for me.
I keep hearing songs that remind me of yesterday
When my path was clear and well-lit --
When my fellows were my strength, my staff, my equals
And my heart was as easy and warm as May.
I keep thinking abut those times with you.
Even when on my own when years had passed, you were there.
Your voice, your written word justified the smile on my face and heart.
I still wonder if I meant even this much to you.
Will our paths ever cross again? Will you bide?
Will I ever finish what I started out to be?
Will I learn that, despite all effort, not everyone can be helped?
Will your friendship return...and stay by my side?
~~Catherine Lindquist

According to my good friend Jenny, this is probably the best and most mature poem I have ever written...and I'm inclined to agree with her. It came to me one night and was one of those poems you just HAVE to write out immediately or you'll lose it. As you can see, I spent a few more hours awake and, for once, didn't lose a damn thing.
"I, Your Violin"
I, your violin, upon which our soul
Is given expression.
I, your violin,which you tend so well.
I, your violin, which we hold in high value,
Not only for the voice I share
But for what we bring out in you.
Your hands grip me firmly and gently
As a trusted friend, confidant, mate.
They ache to summon that which
Only we, together, can command into being.
Your fingers-callused, strong, familiar genius
Caress me, and I cry out as every note
You form of me rings clear and right and true.
Your vibrato, the agony-ecstasy of raw power and passion
Is everything from grieving sorrow
To tempestuous joy.
My voice fills your need-
Understands your soul-
Releases your fears, your hopes
In a phrase, in a measure.
I, your violin, am one with you.
Without you, I have no voice.
Without me, you are unfinished.
With our symphony of solace, sadness,
Triumph and pain,
We are our sun, moon,
Day and night.
Alone, we are void of all that is love.
Together, we are Creation.
~~Catherine Lindquist

"Intermittent Memories"
I can almost remember every talk
We ever had, big or small.
I hear "Somebody" purely by chance and
A tremor plays about my lips
In an almost-memory that just eludes me.
Flashes of a faded glance, a faded smile
A faint scent of how good you smelled--
A distant remembrance of an ignored road sign
While I was preoccupied in breathing deeply.
A verse, a phrase echoes in my mind--
Those words were not for me, and yet
Ghostly tears still fall for the soul that wrote them.
The exact where's and why's of what
We were have since escaped my mind.
That missing trusting part of my heart longs
For them to be so vivid and clear again.
For ever since, I have never shared something
That incredibly special with anyone.
And yet, for all the things about us
That are now just mist in the rising sun,
I will always vividly remember that
Final embrace, that last and only kiss,
And how sweet you always were with me.
~~Kat Lindquist--for Richard

"My Gift of Being"

"A Mother's Prayer for Her Daughter"