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"My Pond"
"I Love You"


I want to hold you
to run my fingers through your hair
to feel your heart beat next to mine
to rake my nails down your back
I want to mark you as mine.

I want to be your waking thought
to be your daily obsession
to be your dream as you sleep
to be your only concern
I want to possess you.

I want to be your every pleasure
to flame your passion
to feed your slightest hunger
to fullfill your wildest fantasy
I want to complete you.

~~Becky Bixler



Whispers of the past
threaten to pull me under
to drown me in waters
muddied by sorrow and pain.

While dreams of the future
send my head into the clouds
riding high on promises
and goals I must strive to attain.

the past is the over with
and cannot be undone
the future is a mystery
that may not even come.

The reality of present day
keeps me level-headed
full of obstacles to over come
and challenges that must be met.

I do not forget yesterday
I learn from it and move on
I refuse to wallow in my mistakes
and live a life of regret.

the past is over with
it cannot be undone
the future is a mystery
that may not even come.

Live life one day at a time
let things happen as they will
don't worry about tomorrow
let it remain a mystery.

Let each day be a new canvas
to paint with the colors of life
don't worry about what happened yesterday
leave it as it is... history.

the past is over with
it cannot be undone
the future is a mystery
that may not even come.

~~Becky Bixler



bottled up inside...
I never thought I would release...
freed at your gentle touch...

I never thought I would hear...
coming softly from your mouth..
wrapping around my heart...
giving me hope...

I never thought I would feel...
from your eyes...
shining at me...warming me...
melting a frigid heart...

falling softly... silently...
for me... for you...
for the friends that we are...
and hopefully always be...


~~Becky Bixler


"My Pond"

Walking along a path of stones,
surrounded on both sides by flowers of all sorts
Their fragrance envelopes me... so sweet... so peaceful
soothing my senses... calming me
I pick a rose and breath deeply of it's sweet scent
It reminds me of you...
Calming, soothing... this is the path to my retreat
from a nearby tree a bird sings softly,
the melody carries me along as I travel the path
It makes me think of you...
All around me I see animals at play...
in the air... in the trees... on the ground
so free... so at home in their surroundings
I could watch them for hours and never tire
I long to share it with you...
Sitting aside the edge of a placid pond,
running my fingers along the surface...
watching the ripples as they form and grow,
floating away from me....
a breeze gently caresses my faces, ruffling my hair,
yet it doesn't disturb my pond...
It reminds me of your touch
When I am here... I am with you... and I am at peace

~~Becky Bixler


"I Love You..."

Alone in my room, I sit and think of you...
I close my eyes...clear my mind
and let thoughts of you run free...

I feel your arms wrapping around me
holding me close...keeping me safe
warming me with love and affection...

I hear your voice, like a gentle breeze
wafting over me and enveloping me
whispering sweet words to make me smile

In my heart, I keep thoughts of you
so even though you are so far away
you are always here with me...

I dream of you as I sleep at night
and even when I am awake
cause a dream is a wish your heart makes...

And my wish... is simple yet heartfelt
I wish for everlasting love, unending happiness
and I wish to share it all...with you...

~~Becky Bixler
