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Characters of Evangelion

When I say the "children" of Evangelion I don't refer to any kids that are on the show. Children refers to a specific, elite group of children all born on the same day which all go to the same school. A few select children pilot the evangelions to fight the angels (those are the ones I list here). After the section on the children I have a section on Nerv personel and other non-pilot children.

Children 1-5

1st Child: Rei Ayanami

Rei Ayanami is the most secretive and shrouded character in all of Evangelion. No one seems to know anything about her and if she ever dies she comes out of it with minor injuries like she always barely escapes everything with her life. The only person she seems to feel connected to is Gendou. Through the series she grows closer to Shinji and farther from Gendou. Meanwhile Asuka hates her because she is sick of Rei just following orders like a wind-up doll. Rei pilots eva unit-00 the prototype. It is originally orange but after an accident is painted blue while it is repaired, but it is the same eva.

2nd Child: Asuka Langley Soryhu

Asuka is a really good pilot raised in Germany. She is 1/4 Japanese and 3/4 German. Raised after her mother's suicide as a young child, she has lived her life proving that she is strong unlike her mother. She graduated college at the age of 14 but does bad in school in Japan because she doesn't understand the language. She doesn't like Rei at all because she completely goes against Asuka's own lifestyle which is being completely outgoing and free. I think that Asuka also has a secret crush on Shinji. She is best friends with Hikari, the class rep. She pilots eva unit-02 the first model in the second series of evas.

3rd Child: Shinji Ikari

Shinji is the son of Gendou Ikari. His mother, Yui died at a young age and occasionally he visits her grave. As soon as he enters the Nerv building he is surprised to find his father there. His father still disregards him by ignoring him and taking care of Rei instead of him. Shinji lives in an apartment with Misato and eventually Asuka. Shinji pilots evangelion unit-01. Shinji would probably be considered the main character of the whole series. As soon as he really learns how to pilot the eva Nerv personel realized that his skills were better than that of any of the other pilots.

4th Child: Touji Suzuhara

Toji was another one of the children brought into the program from Japan. His sister was injured when the third angel attacked. As soon as he learned about the evas combatting the angels he hated them. When he found out that Shinji was a pilot he beat him up because he thought that Shinji was the one that hurt his sister. At one point he sneaks onto a battlefield and is picked up by eva unit-01 for protection. Eventually he is drafted to pilot eva unit-04. It was possessed by an angel and had to be destroyed. He escaped with injuries but continued to live.

5th Child: Kaoru Nagisa

Kaoru Nagisa is the final child in the normal series of Evangelion. He only appears in the 12th tape in episodes 23 and 24. He is very friendly towards Shinji. Since Asuka was injured by the previous angel, Kaoru was commissioned by Seele to be the replacement pilot. It turns out that Kaoru had even higher synchronization rates than Shinji. In fact, Kaoru could position the synchronization at any level he wanted. But this is all for good reason, he was the seventeenth angel. In the end Shinji was forced to kill him.

Nerv Personel

Nerv Supreme Commander: Gendou Ikari

Gendou Ikari is the father of Shinji. Although it would never seem like that because he ignores Shinji. Ever since Rei was "discovered" he hasn't really been connected to anyone else. He was married to Yui Ikari whom he met at college. Through her she met Professor Fuyutski who left after college. When he visited the first impact site he saw proffesor Fuyutski for the first time since college. Since then they have worked side by side for fifteen years.

Operations Chief: Misato Katsuragi

Misato Katsuragi is a beautiful young woman who works at Nerv as a major that is in charge of commanding the defenses against the angels. In the early episodes Misato offers for Shinji to live with her. Eventually when Asuka comes, Misato also lets her live there. As if that isn't enough she also has a warm water penguin, Penpen, living in her fridge. She is in love with Ryoji Kaji, her ex-boyfriend. She was involved in second impact when her whole family was killed and she didn't say anything for 2 years afterwards. After her silence she became best friends with Ritsuko Ikagi, a scientist at Nerv.

Head of Evangelion Development Project: Ritsuko Ikagi

Ritsuko Ikagi is the chief scientist at Nerv. She is the daughter of the genius who created the Magi computer systems. Ritsuko is best friends with Misato Katsuragi. Ristuko is another character that has a lot of shrouded information in her background. Her mother was involved in a suicide with a second person whose name I'll omit so you watch it yourself. Ritsuko also has a connection with Gendou because her mother was cheating with him.

Nerv Special Force: Ryoji Kaji

Ryoji Kaji is the young man who escorted Asuka from Germany when she joined Nerv in Japan. When he came Misato was suprised to see him. He has some mystery behind him as well. It seems that he has a lot more about him than meets the screen. He eventually falls back in love with Misato. Asuka also likes him and when she finds out about Misato she is devastated.

Assistant Commander: Kouzou Fuyutski

Commander Fuyutski is an old "friend" of Gendou. He was his professor in college once Gendou was bailed out by him. He was referred to by Gendou's girlfriend, and later wife, Yui Ikari. After Gendou left college he didn't see him until after second impact when they met at Antarctica. That was when Fuyutski learned about Gendou and Yui. Ever since then, Fuyutski has worked under Gendou as his right hand man.

Computer Technician: Shigeru Aoba

Assistant Strategist: Makoto Hyuga

Evangelion Technical Assistant Maya Ibuki

Shigeru, Makoto and Maya are all employees at Nerv Headquarters who help relay information about the evas' status. They play very minor roles but are involved in a lot of the movie and episodes.


Kensuke Aida

Kensuke Aida is another one of the students at the school that Shinji and the others go to. He is Toji's best friend and is obsessed with girls and war. In one episode we see Kensuke having a war with himself. Other examples are him playing with his toy ships. He also carries a digital camcorder with him wherever he goes. He has always wanted to pilot an eva and once he saw what happened to Toji he changed his mind.

Hikari Hokari

Hikari Hokari is a girl at the children's school. She is the class rep who takes charge of the class in basic commands such as standing for the teacher and keeping them quiet. When Asuka came to school they became good friends. Eventually, the Hokari family takes Penpen from Misato to live with them when the situation with the angels gets so bad that they are forced to move away.

Pen Pen

Pen Pen is a warm water penguin that was created under Nerv as a research project. After the experiments were done, they were going to kill him, Misato, feeling sorry for him took him in as a pet. He is one of hte most loveavle characters in evangelion.

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