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Restoring the Forest Near Fiona's Villa

Rescuing the forest around Fiona's villa can get you a bunch of good stuff. To start off go to 600AD south of Guardia Castle to Fiona's villa. Go in and talk to her. When you come outside there should be a whirpool of sand. Enter the whirlpool and fight the enemies and get the treasures down below. When you enter the final room you'll fight a boss. He isn't too hard. The trick is to have Frog cast Water 2 on the enemy and it's defense will be lowered. It shouldn't take too long to kill him. When you beat him go back to Fiona's villa with Robo in your party. He will stay in 600AD and germinate the desert. Go to 1000AD and go to the church that is in the middle of the are where the desert was. Go in the church and restart Robo and he will rejoin you. After a dialog you will be playing as Lucca in her house. Go downstairs and enter the password "LARA" (Lucca's mom's name) to enter it go to the machine and when you hear the tone press "L" "A" "R" "A" on your controller. Afterwards continue on your quest.

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