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Secret Items in Ozzie's Hideout

There are some really good items that you can get in Ozzie's hideout. Three are quite easy to get. All you have to do is use Ayla's charm technique during the fight when you fight Flea, Slash and Ozzie together. From Ozzie you can steal the Ozzie Pants which have the highest helmet defense rating in the game but give you a confused status. From Slash you can steal the Slasher 2, a sword for Crono. From Flea, you can steal the Flea Vest which you can use as obdy armor.

To get the secret items for Magus you need to feel your way around the walls. In the room where there is the dropping blade that Ozzie controls with the crank thing

go to the right wall and walk down to the bottom of the screen move left while holding down until you enter the wall. When you are in the wall keep moving down the lights will turn on and you will find yourself in a room with the Gloom Helm, the Gloom Armor, the Death Syckle and a Magic Tab. All of these can be equipped on Magus to make him extremely strong.

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