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Street Fighter Alpha 3

This is the character info, for a move list click here. Some excerpts were taken from Brady Games' Official Street Fighter Alpha 3 Strategy Guide.


First Appearance: Street Fighter (sub-boss)
Adon enters the newest street fighter competition to try and prove the superiority of his Muay Thai fighting style. Ever since Sagat lost Adon has strived to restore the respect for Thailand. Since his early, flashy, styles he has improved his styles so he can now defeat Sagat as well as anyone he wants.


First Appearance: Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (secret boss)
Akuma enters the new tournament in order to find new flesh to destroy. Since the beginning when he was nearly undefeatable he has seeked anything that would give up a good fight. Now he has an incredible arsenal and is a great player expecially for beginners.


First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 The World Warriors (sub-boss)
Balrog is a heavyweight fighter which everyone remembers from SF2. He was really easy to beat and in the Championship Edition hard to play as. He comes to this tournament in order to defeat his ex-employer, M. Bison.


First Appearance: Street Fighter (England, first fight)
Birdie began his career as a hapless street thug in England and as he progressed through the games he tried to join Shadoloo and now is trying to take over the whole organazation. If he defeats M. Bison, he will take control of Shadoloo, hence the reason he joined the tournament.


First Appearance: Street Fighter 2 The World Warriors
Blanka enters this tournament like so many others just to prove himself the best. Supposively, Blanka was transformed due to radiation and his original name was Jimmy and has entered the tournament alongside his friend, Dan Hibiki(some one please
tell me who this is).

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