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Weapon and Weapon Orb Location

Orb Locations

Sword orbs
2. Won after defeating the Mantis Ant in Potos Village.
3. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Castle of Pandora.
4. Won after defeating the Great Viper in the forest north of Matango.
5. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Northtown Ruins.
6. Given to you by the King of Tashica after defeating the Dark Stalker.
7. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Tree Palace.
8. Won after defeating the Thunder Gigas in Pure Land.

Spear orbs
2. Won after defeating Tropicallo in the Dwarf Village.
3. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Castle of Pandora.
4. Found inside of a treasure chest in Santa's House.
5. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Northtown Ruins.
6. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Golden Tower of GoldCity.
7. Won after defeating Ageagropilon in the Tree Palace.
8. Won after defeating Mech Rider III in the Tree Palace.
9. * Treasure chest after defeating a Tsunami in the Mana Fortress.

Whip orbs
2. Found inside of a treasure chest in the large hole in Dwarf Village.
3. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Moogle Village.
4. Won after defeating Mech Rider in the Kakkara Desert.
5. Won after defeating Doom Wall in the Northtown Ruins.
6. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Emperor's Castle.
7. Won after defeating Hydra in the Tree Palace.
8. Won after defeating Hexis in the Tree Palace.
9. * Treasure chest after defeating a Terminator in the Mana Fortress.

Boomerang orbs
2. Won after defeating Spiky Tiger in Elinee's Castle.
3. Won after defeating Spring Beak in the Sprite Village.
4. Won after defeating Frost Gigas in the Ice Palace.
5. Won after defeating Vampire in the Northtown Ruins.
6. Won after defeating Blue Spike in the Golden Tower of GoldCity.
7. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Ancient City.
8. Won after defeating Blue Dragon in Pure Land.
9. * Treasure chest after defeating a Master Ninja in the Mana Fortress.

Bow orbs
2. Won after defeating Wall Face in the Pandora Ruins.
3. Won after defeating Jabberwocky in the Water Palace.
4. Won after defeating Boreal Face in the Ice Forest.
5. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Northtown Ruins.
6. Won after defeating the Gordon Bull in the Light Palace.
7. Won after defeating Kettle Kin in the Ancient City.
8. Won after defeating Snow Dragon in Pure Land.
9. * Treasure chest after defeating a Metal Crab in the Mana Fortress.

Javelin orbs
2. Won after defeating Kilroy in the large hole in Dwarf Village.
3. Found inside of a treasure chest in Matango.
4. Won after defeating Minotaur in the Fire Palace.
5. Won after defeating Mech Rider II in the Emperor's Castle.
6. Won after defeating Lime Slime in the Palace of Darkness.
7. Won after defeating Snap Dragon in the Tree Palace.
8. Won after defeating Axe Beak in Pure Land.
9. * Treasure chest after defeating a Whimper in the Mana Fortress.

Axe Orbs
2. Won after defeating Fire Gigas in the Underground Palace.
3. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Moggle Village.
4. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Fire Palace.
5. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Emperor's Castle.
6. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Golden Tower of GoldCity.
7. Won after defeating Dragon Worm in Pure Land.
8. * Treasure chest after defeating a Fiend Head in the Mana Fortress.

Glove orbs
2. Won after defeating Biting Lizard in Undine's Cave.
3. Given to you by Jema after defeating Jabberwocky in the Water palace.
4. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Ice Palace.
5. Won after defeating Metal Mantis in the Emperor's Castle.
6. Found inside of a treasure chest in the Palace of Darkness.
7. Won after defeating the Red Dragon in Pure Land.
8. * Treasure chest after defeating a Wolf Lord in the Mana Fortress.

Weapon Stats

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Rusty Sword 3 Pond near Potos Village --
Broad Sword 8 Won from Mantis Ant Raises Agility and Evade%
Herald Sword 14 Pandora Castle Effective against slimes/lizards
Claymore 20 Won from Great Viper Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Excalibur 27 Northtown Ruins Effective on undead/evil enemies
Masamune 35 Tasnica Raises % of critical hits
Gigas Sword 44 Grand Palace Increases strength +2
Dragon Buster 52 Won from Thunder Gigas Effective against dragons
The Mana Sword ?? Cast Mana Magic on sword Effective against the Mana Beast

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Spear 4 The Water Palace --
Heavy Spear 11 Won from Tropicallo --
Sprite's Spear 16 Pandora Castle Balloons enemies
Partisan 23 Santa's Hut Effective against slimes/lizards
Halberd 29 Northtown Ruins Confuses enemies
Oceanid Spear 38 Golden Tower Puts enemies to sleep
Gigas Lance 47 Won from Ageagropilon Increases strength +2
Dragon Lance 54 Won from Mech Rider III Effective against dragons
Daedalus Lance 56 * Tsunamis --

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Whip 2 The Witch's (Elinee's) Castle --
Black Whip 6 The Scopion Army Ship Slows enemies down
Backhand Whip 14 Won from Jabberwocky Raises agility and evade%
Chain Whip 17 Mech Rider I Effective against slimes/lizards
Flail of Hope 24 Won from Doom Wall Effective on evil/undead enemies
Morning Star 30 Emperor's Castle Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Hammer Flail 38 Won from Hydra Slows enemies down
Nimbus Chain 47 Won from Hexis Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Gigas Whip 53 * Terminators --

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Boomerang 2 Comes with Sprite --
Chakram 6 Won from Spiky Tiger Effective against slimes/lizards
Lode Boomerang 12 Won from Spring Beak Slows enemies down
Rising Sun 17 Won from Frost Gigas --
Red Cleaver 24 Won from Vampire Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Cobra Shuttle 30 Won from Blue Spike Poisons enemies
Frizbar 38 Underground City Effective against slimes/lizards
Shuriken 47 Blue Dragon Raises % of critical hits
Ninja's Trump 53 * Master Ninjas --

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Chobin's Bow 3 Comes with Sprite --
Short Bow 8 Won from Wall Face --
Long Bow 12 Won from Jabberwocky Use against animals/birds/beasts
Great Bow 20 Won from Boreal Face Confuses enemies
Bow of Hope 27 Northtown Ruins Effective on evil/undead enemies
Elfin Bow 35 Won from Gorgon Bull Raises intelligence and wisdom
Wing Bow 43 Won from Kettle Kin Confuses enemies
Doom Bow 52 Won from Snow Dragon Raises % of critical hits
Garuda Buster 54 * Metal Crab --

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Pole Dart 2 Comes with Undine --
Javelin 6 Won from Kilroy --
Light Trident 12 Matango Use against animals/birds/beasts
Lode Javelin 17 Won from Minotaur Balloons enemies
Fork of Hope 24 Emperor's Castle Effective on evil/undead enemies
Imp's Fork 30 Palace of Darkness Balloons enemies
Elf's Harpoon 38 Won from Snap Dragon Raises intelligence and wisdom
Dragon Dart 47 Won from Axe Beak Effective against dragons
Valkyrian 53 * Whimpers --

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Watt's Axe 4 Watt's Shop --
Lode Axe 11 Won from Fire Gigas Effective against plants/fish
Stout Axe 16 Moogle Village Increases constitution by 2 pts.
Battle Axe 23 Fire Palace Effective against plants/fish
Golden Axe 29 Emperor's Castle Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Were-Buster 38 The Golden Tower Use against animals/birds/beasts
Great Axe 46 Won from Dragon Worm Effective against plants/fish
Gigas Axe 54 * Fiend Heads Increases strength by 5 points
Doom Axe 56 * Fiend Heads --

Weapon Strength:
Location of Weapon Orb
Spike Knuckle 2 2 --
Power Glove 6 Won from Biting Lizard Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Moogle Claw 11 Moogle Village Puts enemies to sleep
Chakra Hand 17 Ice Palace Raises intelligence and wisdom
Heavy Glove 24 Emperor's Castle Inflicts damage on insects, etc.
Hyper-Fist 29 Palace of Darkness Effective against slime/lizrds
Griffin Claws 38 Won from Red Dragon Poisons enemies
Dragon Claws 47 * Kimono Wizards Effective against dragons
Aura Glove 53 * Wolflords --

* - Refers to an enemy that must be fought randomly in the Mana Fortress. Sometimes you must be at a certain level.

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