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Wood Man Speacial

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Welcome to the Wood Man Speacial. Wood Man is in a forest, and that is where mega man most go to destroy him.

Here's a speacial strategy on the level!!!!!!!!!

At the beggining where there are rabbits and bats, when you see a rabbit, instantly start shooting it, so it won't throw a carrot at you. You don't need to worry about the bats, they take one hit to kill. When you get to the giant dog, like machine, when it shoots fire jump in the air and shoot it. Now you go on and their is another, wait for the fire to pass by, then get to spot that you can jump, do the same strategy by jumping up and shooting it. When you go to the next room, their is yet another! Do the same strategy that you did for the last room.

Now you can start going up. Go up to where the bats are, wait for them to unfold, then shoot them. Go up and then right and you will see monkeys hanging from the branches you start walking on. When you are about to reach them, jump backwards, and they will jump up to, but just miss you. Start shooting them, use this strategy for all of the monkeys. As for the birds, try to hit the eggs before the eggs hit the ground, because if the eggs hit the ground little birds fly out. When you get past that room you can go down, for the first rabbit, just jump down to it and start shooting it. In the next room, it's kind of like a stair case. If you have killed Bubble man, you can use his bubbles a couple times to easily kill that rabbit, or just jump down by it and shoot it. Next room you jump down and shoot the rabbit.

You are now in a room where there are giant robot animals running towards you and sometimes jumping, to get past them, you have to go under them when they jump. When you jump up onto a ledge, that is a place they always jump over (the tip of the ledge). You will now make it to the boss.

Here's a speacial strategy on the boss!!!!!!!


WEAPON:: Leaves

If you don't have woodman's weakness, wait for his leaf defensive circle to shoot at you, then jump over it. Now start shooting him while the leaves are falling, try to dodge inbetween the leaves, (it's hard), or else they will hurt you. Now shoot him one more time, right before he puts his leaf circle up again. Continue this process.

This strategy was made by Djkomnear1, you may not copy it and put it on your own website, without my permission, or without giving me credit. If you would like to use it, either contact me, or give me full credit for it.

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