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System in My Max

Since I have only had the car for a short while, I have not replaced any of the stereo components at this time, but believe me I will eventually. I stopped by my local stereo shop and spoke with my friend that works there. He said that everything will be very simple to put in, so it's just a matter of time, before I begin the overhaul.

I still haven't installed any upgrades into the Max, but I am purchasing some amplifiers to be used later in my install. I have a pretty decent idea of what I want my finished systm to be, so I went and got some pics to make a system diagram. Here it is, just click on the link. System Diagram

The stereo is going in as we speak. I currently don't have my rear fill amp yet, but I will be picking it up fairly soon. So for now the front and rear speakers are running off the ZR360. I won't have fader control, but it won't be that big of a deal for right now. As soon as I give the setup a good listening to, I will post my thoughts on it.

Well it has been a while sinc eI have updated this section. I do have a new addition to the system, eventhough it hasn't been installed yet. Just gimme time and I'll get it in there. It's a Phoenix Gold EQ232. A 1/3 octave EQ. It should do a very nice job of setting up my front stage.

      Current Setup
