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My Max





Mid-West Maxima
Database Entry Form

Her '95 Altima


My 2001 Maxima SE


January 9th, 2002: It has been quite a while since I have made any changes to this page, but I have been making changes to my car!! Since I last wrote back in July, I have added the Place Racing Cold Air Intake (CAI) and just this past weekend I added the Cattman Y-pipe! The CAI was a late summer addition and the Y-pipe was a Christmas gift from my girlfriend. Recently I have begun plans to redo my system with the addition of a new EQ and possible a new crossover! I still have not made any moves on acquiring my rear fill amp, but I'm still looking. More to come once I have made more changes and taken pictures of the new additions.

July 31st, 2001: Well I finally did it. I ordered a true modification for the Maxima. The Stillen FSTB came to my door about a week or so ago. I installed it immediately and although it doesn't make a huge difference in performance, there are some definite differences. The steering response is great improved! The car will also hold a tighter line, but there still is quite a bit of body roll. That situation will soon be remedied with the addition of a RSB. I haven't ordered it yet, but I am going to relatively soon.

July 2nd, 2001: The alternator whine situation is resolved to a point. The guys at the shop turned the gains all the way up on the amp so the whine was very distinct. After adjusting the gains to a lower setting the whine is all but disappeared. The sub amp situation has be resolved as well. While I still have a non-functioning DX700, I also have a functioning one. I plan to pull the other one apart and mess with it, when the time comes. Still more tweaking has to be done and I need to mount the remote gain control unit for the DX700. Other than that the system is very nice!! Nice and loud!! More to come soon!

June 14th, 2001: The stereo is in, but a few problems have come up!!

1. Sub amp is toast!! As soon as you give it power, it goes into protection mode. The guys at the shop did a few tests and they are pretty sure it is gone, so I'm not bumpin' too hard right now. I have a few choices when it comes to replacing the amp, I could just buy a new one, or I could try and contact the guy I bought the amp from. Since the guy I bought the amp from is in Missouri, the latter is probably not a real option. I'm going to check out prices on a replacement DX700 and I might try playing with the amp that's broken and see if I can fix it. Who knows!!

2. Alternator whine is in the system!! I noticed it when I was driving home and this morning I could hear it when the car was at idle. I looked at the grounding point and that might be the problem. I'm going to have the guys at the shop take a look at it this evening and see what can be done.

June 13th, 2001: The stereo is going in today!! I dropped the car off this morning and I pick it up after work. I don't have a digital camera yet, but I plan to purchase on in the near future, so I will be posting pics of the system very soon. After some discussion with my friend at the stereo shop, I am only getting 2 10's rather than 3. I'll let you guys know what I think as soon as I hear it.

May 22nd, 2001: For those of you that have 56k connections, I made true thumbnails in the picture section. Rather than having to download a big file that has been scaled these files are cut down by 31%. It's a lot faster to download 11 4-6Kb pics rather than 11 40-60Kb pics. I'm planning on purchasing a digital camera soon, so hopefully I will be able to get some high res pics as well as some more pics added soon.

I also did some tweaking to the main page. A new page has been added to the side bar, the System Pics Page and the previous System Page has been renamed into the System Description. I will keep the system diagram and associated text in the System Description Page and any pics of the equipment or install in the System Pics Page.

April 20th, 2001: I added some pictures to the Picture page. Check them out and let me know what you think!! It is still pretty much stock, but I will be changing that soon!

April 19th, 2001: I added a How 2 section. There isn't anything in there yet, but I'm going to be making a few How 2's and I'll be posting them very soon!!

I just got my amps in yesterday!! One Kicker ZR360 and one Kicker DX700. Click on this to see a few pics I snapped of them.

April 5th, 2001: Not too much to report as of yet. I have only had the car for about a month or so. I have made a few changes to the system page to reflect my future system that I want to put in the car. I am purchasing the 2 amps this week and I will begin searching for the head unit and CD changer.


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All images of the 2001 Nissan Maxima contained herin are property of Mr. Ferro and permission is required before use of said pictures. Please notify Mr. Ferro via email of you intent before use. Thank you for your time.