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Day 5.

Your Daily Task:

You will make a Journal entry describing the noble place in Medieval times and one journal entry on the role of the church.

**Remember, this is going to be given to King One-Click. Be Neat! Take the time to make it neat!

The Process:

Materials: You will need your journal and a pencil to record what you learn.

Step 1. Before we go exploring, open your journal to the next blank page.

Step 2. On this empty page you need to write at the top:


Step 3. In this journal entry, you will need to make notes of:

**How does a king keep control of his lands? (think of the lords, knights and commoners.)

** Who did the King or Queen represent to their people in ruling? (think of the church)

**What sport was only done by the royalty? (Peasants could be killed if they did this!)

Step 4. Now turn the page and write "Clergy" at the top.

Step 5. In this journal entry, you will need to make notes of:

** What did the church do for the people? (The importance of the church in medieval times.)

** What do Monks and nuns do?

(The only people higher in position than the king were in the church, and they were the Archbishop and Bishop. Today there are still these people as well as monks and nuns!)

** What are crusades?

** And here's a little extra question for you! Because most common people couldn't read, something was done inside the cathedrals to help them "see" what the church leaders were telling them. It is a type of decoration that was very expensive and very loved, much of which still survives today. Can you figure out what it is? If you find the next knight, he will tell you the answer!

Step 6. Extra activity. Find a classmate or friend, perhaps a parent. Pretend they are a knight errant (a knight who works all by himself and doesn't stay in one place). Can you talk them into being a knight for King One-Click?

(**hint- the more people stay together, the safer they are!)

Now that you have your journal ready, click on Teddy and he'll help you find the places to go to!