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Day 6.

Your Daily Task:

You will make a Journal entry describing the castle's defenses.

**Remember, this is going to be given to King One-Click. Be Neat! Take the time to make it neat!

The Process:

Materials: You will need your journal, crayons or colored pencils and a pencil to record what you learn.

Step 1. Before we go exploring, open your journal to the next blank page.

Step 2. On this empty page you need to write at the top:


Step 3. In this journal entry, you will need to make notes of:

** How does the way a castle is built help the people inside safe from enemies?

** Who usually lived inside castles?

** How can King One-Click's castle be made safer?

Step 4. Click here to get an outline of King One-Click's castle. You may print it out to add details that would help make it safer, or you can make your own. Think about people, windows, and weapons that may have been used in the medieval time for protection and safety.

Now that you have your journal ready, click on Flick and he'll help you find the places to go to!