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Day 6 continued...
The Process cont'd.:

Oh my, do you have a lot of information now! I got word that the rival kingdom is sending knights out. We have two days to finish before they arrive!

Get your pencil and your journal! We have a special mission today!

Below is a place in the web. I've made sure it's safe. Remember the rule for this first place only!!!

Click here to read about the castle's strengths and weaknesses!


Now, King One-Click sent word for your special mission! You are to go to our friendly neighboring kingdom and learn about the castle there. There will be a Jester to quiz you on different parts of the castle and he'll make a game out of your visit! Pay close attention to what is around you! We need to know the information to help us defend King One-Click's castle if the enemies arrive!

This is the one exception to King One-Click's one click law. Take your time and explore- but don't forget to take notes! If you do well, you will be knighted in this kingdom as well! Click here to go to there now.

From here you may want to go to Ye Olde Local (or school) Library. There you shall find the rest of the resources you will require. Click here to get a list of the ones we and King One-Click recommend!

When you are finished with your research and notes in your journal, click on the jester and court below to hear what they have to say.

Now you've learned all about the castle; and you may have even found the sixth knight and been knighted in our neighboring friendly kingdom!

It's time to make your final choice of the day!

Or if you need to check your work quickly...
Click here to go back to the 7 tasks!
Click here to go back to the rubric (things your work will be checked for)!
Click here to go to today's checklist!

If you are done for the day, click on Flash to go to the Barracks!

If you're still ready to go, Click on Tyke to go to Day 7!