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Welcome young Squire!

"I am King One-Click. Thank you for coming to my kingdom."

"I understand from your teaching knight that you want to become a knight too, but we have a mystery of disappearing knights here in the kingdom."

"There is a rival kingdom nearby. They want to take over this kingdom. To do that, they spread rumors and lies that we have an illness here in the kingdom. They hoped my knights would get scared and run away, leaving the kingdom unprotected."

"I sent most of my knights out to gather information from my people to find out more about this rumor and to help the people feel safe. They have not returned. I must keep my remaining knights here to guard the castle."

"If you can prove to your teaching knight and myself that you are worthy of the title of knight by showing us you know about the kingdom, I will knight you. Hopefully you will be able to solve the mystery of where my knights have gone, while you are learning of the kingdom."

Your task is to keep a journal in your travels, and when you return here, your teaching knight will judge your knowledge and whether you are worthy to be a knight. The information you gather will also help me in protecting the kingdom, so it needs to be correct and readable.

It will be good for you to see the things I will look for in your work. Before you journey out, take some time and look over the rubric we will judge your work by! Click here now to go there.

"Time is short young squire. If the other kingdom learns of our missing knights, they will attack to gain our land. The kingdom's strength will come from you learning about our kingdom and our people. The heraldry friends will help you in your travels. Go now with Flash. She will take you to begin your quest and tell you the one law we have here. Good fortune!"

Let's get started!

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