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A trencher was a food usually eaten by peasants in the medieval time. It was a plain type of food, with a piece of bread for the plate and eggs, with beef or chicken juices on top.

Want to try one?

Great! You will need an adult to help you!


** A piece of toast or stale bread for each person.

** 2 eggs for each person.

** a boullion cube.

** crackers or croutons.

** Salt in a shaker, pepper is optional.

** a mixing spoon

** a large pot

** about 3 cups water

** a mixing bowl.

** a straining spoon.


1. Put the 3 cups of water into the large pot and bring it to a boil.

2. When the water has come to a boil, have an adult carefully pour a third of the water into the mixing bowl and keep the other two-thirds in the large pot boiling on the stove.

3. Put the boullion cube in the hot water in the mixing bowl.

4. In the boullion broth, add the croutons little by little until the broth is all soaked up into the bread.

5. In the boiling water in the large pot, carefully break 2 eggs for each person and mix together.

6. After the eggs have been cooked and scrambled, use the strainer to dip them out and put them onto the toast.

7. Use the straining spoon to add the juicy croutons or crackers to the top of the eggs.

8. Add salt or pepper to taste!

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