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You're right!

This is the best answer. Most knights try very hard to do what is right all the time. They tried to treat all ladies with respect and serve as best they could. It can be very hard to do what's right all the time, especially when you have to respect your enemies. You don't have to like them or be friends with them, you must respect them as people though.

Have you ever tried to be kind to everyone, really polite to all females, and do what you're asked to do? What if a friend asked you to do something you knew wasn't right? Do you see how it can be difficult to be a knight?

Did you know there are still knights today? Queen Elizabeth has knighted Sean Connery in the year 2000. He's an actor and has done Shakespeare and the voice of Draco in Dragonheart among many others. But he's a gentleman even when he isn't acting, so now he has the title of Sir Sean Connery!

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