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Your well on your way to being a knight friend squire!

I've studied a lot, have you?

Let's see if you can answer my questions. Oh wow! There goes the knight who was repairing his armor!

You're looking for the other knights? Well, if you can answer my quiz I'll tell you where my knight is too.

Question 1.

What is the idea of chivalry?

A. A knight is to go and fight all other knights.
B. A knight must behave with respect to his enemies and especially with respect to ladies and do what is right all the time.
C. Knights must always dress in armor and be prepared for battle.
Question 2.

If there wasn't a war going on, would a knight fight other knights?

A. Yes
B. No
Question 3.

What does a squire do for his knight when the knight is fighting?

A. Stand back and watch while out of the way.
B. Stay at the castle to protect the king while the knight is away and wait until the knight returns.
C. Follow the knight into battle and help with the armor and weapons and make sure the knight is okay if he is knocked off the horse.
Question 4.

What does a knight do when he's not fighting?

A. Rest and stay at the court for the king and queen.
B. Return home to watch over his own lands.
C. Go exploring to other lands.
Question 5.

True or False?

A Knight would use his father's coat-of-arms colors and symbols on a shield and armor to identify himself in battle.

A. True
B. False