entry 3

my arms and world leaders

11:38pm mon. july 30

This is not how i want to look. This is not how i want to sound. Hopefully i smell okay.

with just the right outfit i can get away with wearing a wifebeater. I do not have the arms i wish i did, but sometimes i can put up with 'em. I'm tone enough (sometimes) to wear wifebeater, i just try not to stand next to anything too big. If i'm next to something skinny, my arms don't look so skinny in comparison. That's why I'm glad when i meet someone else skinny. I think to myself, "yeah!! someone i can stand next to!!" Same thing with short people, funny i don't meet alot of either...

I really hate where the computer is. It's in a little side section of the living room.(the living room of my real house, not the neato little site house) It's not like right in the middle of the living room, but in the living room no less. My parents always fall asleep watching tv on the couches and sometimes stay there all night. they dont go to bed, they just stay there. So i feel like my typing is gonna wake them up, then they'll be all asking why im on the computer so long. and then if i wanna do something i dont want them to see,(like this) they can see! the screen is facing the rest of the room. I want this in my room, but now that my mom discovered ebay, she uses the computer just as much as i do. Goddamnit.

I just saw Bill Clinton on tv for the first time since he left office. I'm so used to seeing 'W' i forgot about clinton. He is such a better public figure than Bush. He was awsome. I saw this meeting of world leaders a few days ago, George W. has this look on his face like, "hey guys, can i play, too?".

Bill smoked, George snorted, who do you trust?