
The Bedroom

I know this is the bed room page, and you were probably expecting some 'adult' material, but that's not what this is. Sorry.

well, maybe... wanna see my one eye'd monster?


^ short haired tim ^

Like millions of americans, I suffer from insomnia. What do insomniacs do? We think. We think way too much. Alot of times I'll write down whats goin on in my head. I just take out a notebook or something and write whatever I can. Settles my nerves a bit i suppose. So, seeing as this is my on-line bed room, I cannot help but do the same here. I figure, what the hell, the only difference is I'm typing instead of writing. I guess since I'm saving all the entries, this is kinda like a journal. If you wanna call it that, go head, but my intent is to keep this place alittle up to date and post something new as often as possible. Some parts may piss you off, some parts may bore you like crazy, but it's all real and 'in the now'. So, I got that goin' for me...

^ all ready for new years ^
clean shaven and everything


Entry 23 - hopes

Entry 22 - the entry freeopendiary.com wouldn't save

Entry 21 - new! again!

Entry 20 - new!!

Entry 19 - the day of school!

Entry 18 - paradiddle

Entry 17 - happy new year!!!!!!!

Entry 16 - a double dose of crazy!!!!!!

Entry 15 - bad

Entry 14 - um, i guess music is the only common subject

Entry 13 - Q

Entry 12 - crazy beautiful

Entry 11 - thinking reaction

Entry 10 - Militant

Entry 09 - The Wost Day of History

Entry 08 - it's been a while, blah blah blah

Entry 07 - past presence

Entry 06 - primary-secondary

Entry 05 - basics

Entry 04 - peace of mind :)

Entry 03 - my arms and world leaders

Entry 02 - complaining galore

Entry 01 - sleep and donuts